American forces in Europe, 1942-1945
Agenda 1. Bell Ringer: While Pearl harbor was the catalyst for us to declare war, what was our participation prior to that point? 2. Notes: The War in Europe/D Day (20 minutes) 3. D- Day Video Clip KB (10 minutes) 4. D-Day analysis (Examining Eisenhower) (15 minutes) 5. Kahoot Review (20 minutes)
Operation Torch American troops went to North Africa Starting at El Alamein, Montgomery, along with Eisenhower launch “Operation Torch” The two armies come in from the East and West, surround the Afrika Korps of Germany and Italy. 1943, War in Africa is nearly over. By summer 1943, Allies seize Sicily
Bombardment of Germany Round-the-clock bombardment of Germany 1943-1944 U.S. army air force by day and Britain’s Royal Air Force by night Thousands of innocent civilians killed and wounded The Soviets begin moving into Poland after the German defeat at Stalingrad. Miss Donna Mae II- 1944
D-Day May, 1944. 3.5 million troops mobilized to strike on the coast of Normandy. June, 6th is the attack date. Germans knew an attack was coming, but thought it was on Calais beach, farther East. We sent paratroopers and gliders in ahead of the main troops hitting the beach. Still a formidable German presence on the beach, with machine guns and concertina wire. Over 3,000 Americans died on Omaha beach that day, but by August France was back in the hands of the Allied forces.
Battle of the Bulge Fought in the Ardennes Forest Last major German offensive of the war. An attempt to divide British and American forces. December, 1944 It ultimately failed. Now Hitler faced a war on two fronts rapidly approaching Germany.