A. For the midterm you must be familiar with: All 28th Arabic letters and their sound. B. How to connect one and 2 way connectors. C. Number in Arabic ( 1- 10). D. Vocabulary terms discussed in class E. Basic Greetings.
Identify the following letters. ط
Identify the following letters. ل
Identify the following letters. ق
Identify the following letters. س
Identify the following letters. ش
Identify the following letters. ز
Identify the following letters. غ
Identify the following letters. خ
Identify the following letters. ه
Identify the following letters. ة
Identify the following letters. ج
Identify the following letters. ك
Identify the following letters. ث
Identify the following letters. د
Identify the following letters. ض
Identify the following letters. و
Identify the following letters. م
Identify the following letters. ت
Identify the following letters. ظ
Identify the following Numbers واحد
Identify the following Numbers إثنان
Identify the following Numbers ثلاثة
Identify the following Numbers اربعة
Identify the following Numbers خمسة
Identify the following Numbers ستة
Identify the following Numbers سبعة
Identify the following Numbers ثمانية
Identify the following Numbers تسعة
Identify the following Numbers عشرة