Treatment Plan Seminar 10 - 04 - 2018
Patient’s Profile Age 19 years Gender Female Occupation Nationality Student Nationality Saudi Marital Status Single Cooperative Patient
Medical History The Patient is not aware of any medical conditions. Random Blood Sugar 120 mg/dl Blood Pressure 124/80 mmHg Height 153 cm Weight 65 kg
“I have bad oral odor and bleeding during brushing” Chief Complaint “I have bad oral odor and bleeding during brushing”
Dental History Year Procedure 2008 Restorations for teeth # 16 and 36 2012 Restorations for teeth # 45 and 47 2014 Restorations for teeth # 25, 26, 27, 37, and 35 2016 Scaling
Oral Hygiene Type of Tooth Brush Medium Brushing Technique Scrubbing Frequency One time a day
Extra-Oral Examination Lymph Nodes: No masses, swelling or Lymphadenopathy. Temporomandibular Joints: Right and left without clicking or deviation.
Intra-Oral Examination
Radiographic Examination
Periodontal Examination
DB B MB DP P MP CAL Mobility Diagnosis PD CEJ-GM Tooth Number DB B MB DP P MP CAL Furcation Mobility Diagnosis M D #17 PD 4 3 5 - II-A2 CEJ-GM 2 1 #16 6 #15 #14
#13 3 1 5 2 4 #12 #11 #21 #22 #23 Tooth Number DB B MB DP P MP CAL Furcation Mobility Diagnosis M D #13 PD 3 1 5 2 4 - II-A2 CEJ-GM #12 #11 II-A1 #21 #22 #23
DB B MB DP P MP CAL Mobility Diagnosis PD CEJ-GM Tooth Number DB B MB DP P MP CAL Furcation Mobility Diagnosis M D #24 PD 2 1 5 3 - II-A2 CEJ-GM #25 II-A1 #26 #27 4
DB B MB DL L ML CAL Mobility Diagnosis PD CEJ-GM Tooth Number DB B MB DL L ML CAL Furcation Mobility Diagnosis M D #37 PD 5 3 4 2 - II-A2 CEJ-GM 1 #36 II-A1 #35 #34
#33 2 1 #32 #31 #41 #42 #43 Tooth Number DB B MB DL L ML CAL Furcation Mobility Diagnosis M D #33 PD 2 1 - II-A1 CEJ-GM #32 #31 #41 #42 #43
DB B MB DL L ML CAL Mobility Diagnosis PD CEJ-GM Tooth Number DB B MB DL L ML CAL Furcation Mobility Diagnosis M D #44 PD 2 1 - II-A1 CEJ-GM #45 4 3 II-A2 #46 5 15 12 7 8 III II II-A3 #47
Oral Findings Plaque Index 86 % Bleeding Index 71 %
Oral Findings Caries in teeth # 12,13, 22, 23, 24, 25, 36, 44, 45, 46. Crowding upper and lower teeth
Pre-treatment Consultation Prosthodontics. Orthodontics.
Periodontal Diagnosis Generalized moderate chronic periodontitis AAP Classification 1999
Etiology Primary: Dental Plaque (Löe et al. 1965). Secondary: Supra and subgingival calculus (Schroeder et al. 1969). Crowding (Poulton 1961). Metal band on tooth # 16
Overall Individual Prognosis Favorable Hopeless #46 (Kwok & Caton 2007)
Treatment Plan
Initial Treatment Plan Phase I: Case presentation and Patient motivation. Oral hygiene instructions: Soft tooth brush ( Oral B ). Dental Floss. Brushing technique: Modified Bass brushing technique
Initial Treatment Plan Phase I: Supra and subgingival scaling and root planning Restoration of carious teeth Extraction of impacted third molars
Initial Treatment Plan Phase I: # 46 Extraction with socket preservation Delayed implant placement. (After completion of orthodontic treatment) Re-evaluation of tissue response after 4 weeks
Initial Treatment Plan Phase II: #15-17 Open Flap Debridement for accessibility and pocket reduction (Heitz-Mayfield 2002). Orthodontic treatment
Initial Treatment Plan Phase III: #46 Prosthetic crown of dental implant
Initial Treatment Plan Phase IV: Recall interval every 6 months (Yang2015).
Before After
Before After
Before After
Before After
Tooth Number DB B MB DP P MP Before After #17 PD 4 2 3 5 #16 6 #15 1 #14 #13 PD 3 2 1 5 #12 4 #11 #21 #22 #23 #24 PD 2 1 5 3 #25 #26 #27 4
Tooth Number DB B MB DL L ML Before After #37 PD 5 3 2 4 #36 #35 1 #34 #33 PD 2 1 #32 #31 #41 #42 #43 #44 PD 2 1 #45 4 #46 - #47 5 3
Before After Plaque Index 86 % 31 % Bleeding Index 71 % 15 %
Definitive Treatment Plan
Definitive Treatment Plan Phase II: # 46 implant placement.
Definitive Treatment Plan Phase III: #46 Prosthetic crown of dental implant
Definitive Treatment Plan Phase IV: Recall interval every 6 months (Yang2015).
Periodontal Surgery
Extraction of Tooth # 46
Extraction of Tooth # 46
Extraction of Tooth # 46
Extraction of Tooth # 46
Socket Preservation for Socket of tooth # 46
After 3 Months
Implant Placement of Tooth #46
Implant Placement of Tooth #46
After Two Weeks
Thank you