Christians believe that, having been created by God, we are intended to live in relationship with God. Prayer fosters, strengthens, supports and builds our relationship with God.
Why do we pray? When do we pray? We pray to strengthen our relationship with God We pray because Jesus prayed When do we pray? Jesus prayed at any time of the day and sometimes all night
Talking to/with Listening to… Relationship Trust, truthful… Familiar words… Encounter Being with… Reflecting…
Helping students to pray is important – they have a need and a right to develop a prayer life Prayer is rooted in an awareness of a personal relationship with God This is more than ‘learning prayers’ Students should be introduced to a range of ways to pray Students’ depth of spirituality should never be underestimated
Students meet prayer in: Classroom Prayer Informal Prayer Whole school prayer Formal/ritual/sacramental worship
Gathering… Quiet, reflective music Gather - in a circle if possible Prayer focus - central/visible Light candle, representing Jesus’ presence among us Sign of the Cross – English/Maori/other Share theme (if appropriate) Opening Prayer – same every day/varied
One Basic Prayer Format: Opening prayer – Morning Offering/Traditional prayer Scripture Reading/story/saint’s life Reflection: what did you hear? Spontaneous prayer Closing prayer Hymn/song to begin and/or end