Myths & Stories from the Americas Unit created by Lisa Witherington, Pulaski County School System, 2006 Standards addressed: SS6G4 – Student will describe the cultural characteristics of Latin America and the Caribbean, and Canada b. Describe the traditions, customs, religion, and life style of the Native Americans who inhabit the Northern territories of Canada. ELA6R1 – Student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts. i. Compares traditional literature and mythology from different cultures. j. Identifies and analyzes similarities and differences in mythologies from different cultures.
Stepwise Instructional Task Worksheet: Middle School Social Studies – Myths & Stories from the Americas
Adapted by Lisa Witherington, Pulaski County School System, 2006
Example Interactive Page from Adapted Story (Picture attached with Velcro® to come on and off the page)
Example Interactive Page from Adapted Story (Pictures attached with Velcro® to come on and off the page)
Example Interactive Page from Adapted Story (Picture attached with Velcro® to come on and off the page)