Hawthorne High School
Roles and Responsibilities Step One: Measure effectiveness of improvement strategies at the school Step Two: Seek input from school advisory committees Step Three: Reaffirm or revise school goals Step Four: Revise improvement strategies and expenditures Step Five: Recommend the approved SPSA to the governing board Step Six: Monitor implementation of the SPSA Measure Effectiveness of Improvement Strategies Reaffirm or Revise School Goals Revise Improvement Strategies and Expenditures Monitor Implementation Approve and Recommend SPSA to Local Governing Board Seek Advisory Committees Input Reach Desired Outcomes
The above graphic represents the alignment of CPM Program Dimensions with the actions required of the school site council Reaffirm or Revise Goals Revise Improvement Strategies and Expenditures Measure Effectiveness of Improvement Strategies Monitor Implementation Reach Performance Goals Approve and Recommend SPSA to Local Board Seek Advisory Committees Input
All Categorical expenditures MUST be aligned to the goals in the Single Plan for Student Achievement All Purchase Requisitions expending Categorical funds will include: The SPSA Goal Alpha-Numeric Identifier with which the expenditure aligns A short sentence describing how the expenditure addresses that goal
Goal Objective 1 Increase student proficiency levels in the advanced and proficient score ranges by 2-3% for the STAR testing administered in May 2008, with a concentration on Mathematics and English Language Arts (with an expectation for high standards in reading and writing). Student groups participating in this Goal All 9th-11th grade students taking the California Standards Test (CST). Task 1.A. 1.A.1.Strengthen and reinforce content area test-taking strategies with increased practice through Advisory using princeton review and CAHSEE review. Show test-taking strategies and test-prep on Channel One (pre-videtaped). 1.A.2.Use departmental collaboration to improve standards based instruction by the sharing of best practices, developing department rubrics, and examining benchmark data. 1.A.3.Continually support ELL population by implementation of ELD binder, use of SDAIE strategies and differentiated instruction and enrichment in English Task 1.B. 1.B.1.Continue to align all curriculum and instructional materials to district and state standards through departmental meetings. 1.B.2.Use benchmark testing data to drive instruction using Datadirector in all departments. 1.B.3.Ensure availability of instructional coaches for all teachers to get appropriate and timely feedback on effective teaching strategies. Task 1.C. 1.C.1. Students in need of additional support in Math and English will be scheduled for an additional period of the required course. 1.C.2.STUDIO and R180 program effectiveness will be monitored by looking at achievement data of students in and exiting the program (through GATES and SRI testing). 1.C.3.Additional support will be provided to ESL students in Algebra for all program through a 1 hour after school tutoring program.
Goal Objective 2 All students will graduate from high school. The dropout rate will decrease by 2% in the school year. Attendance will increase by 5% for the school year. Tardies will decrease by 5% for the school year with the implementation of new school policies and procedures. Student groups participating in this Goal All 9th-12th grade students Task 2.A. 2.A.1.All students will complete a five-year academic plan upon enrollment and meet with counselors on a regular basis. 2.A.2.Counselors will be assigned to all students through Advisory classes and meet students annually to asses progress. 2.A.3.A school-parent compact will be signed by all stakeholders outlining responsibilities of the school community. Task 2.B. 2.B.1.Increase articulation with feeder schools in order to align curriculum and student expectations at all levels- mainly through annual meetings. 2.B.2.Provide staff with continual training on differentiating instruction for the block schedule and for the ELL and special ed student population (ELL population graduation rate especially needs to be addressed). 2.B.3.CAHSEE test scores will be provided to all advisory teachers for timely review with students. Parents of failing students will be called in for a conference to discuss interventions in specific areas of need. Task 2.C. 2.C.1.Expand the after school tutoring and homework club program to reach all students. Specifically, combine Cougar Core tutoring, UCLA Xinatchli tutoring and implement peer tutoring program. 2.C.2.Provide CAHSEE bootcamps through Princeton Review for all juniors and seniors not passing the exam on multiple attempts. 2.C.3.Ensure accessibility to summer school classes for seniors short credits and hold senior class meetings quarterly. 2.C.4.Monitor senior graduation requirements quarterly (government, economics and English 12). 2.C.5.Make career center accessible to all students by increasing Advisory visits by college career counselors to advertise job fairs, college visits, financial assistance, SAT deadlines, etc. Task 2.D. 2.D.1.Expand Engineering Academy by recruiting in feeder schools, in advisory and through counselors 2.D.2.Expand Vocational Education and SCROC programs by offering more classes 2.D.3.Expand other existing programs on campus such as Robotics, Academic Decathlon and AVID through recruitment strategies mentioned above
Goal Objective 3 Number of parents and community members actively participating in school activities will increase by 3% by June Student groups participating in this Goal All parents/guardians of students attending Hawthorne High School Task 3.A. 3.A.1.Invite more parents, community members and local business leaders to participate in tutoring and mentoring students. Task 3.B. 3.B.1.Sponsor and develop parent workshops and continue computer workshops 3.B.2.Continue parenting classes 3.B.3.Set up more frequent parent conferences and recruit more parents to participate in district wide parent conference held annually Task 3.C. 3.C.1.Develop and follow a school-parent compact and parent involvement policy 3.C.2.Recruit parents for participation in all school committees (School Site Council, ABC, Title I PAC, and ELAC) 3.C.3.Recruit parent volunteers to run parent center 3.C.4.Initiate early contact to parents by teachers
Goal Objective 4 Students will be educated in an environment that is safe, drug-free and conducive to learning. A decrease in school crime will be seen by at least 2% by June 2009, suspensions and in-house referrals will decrease by 2% by June 2009 and at least 75% of student evaluations will indicate that Hawthorne is a safe school. Student groups participating in this Goal All Hawthorne High School students. Task 4.A. 4.A.1.Refer students in need to "Choices" Drug Program, Families First Program, Home Study Program, Counseling services through Richstone Family Center and Starview, and School Resource Officer 4.A.2.Re-establish Peer Mediation & Mentoring and Friday Night Live Programs 4.A.3.Increase student access to counselors, community liaison, and deans 4.A.4.Review effectiveness and procedures for Student Study Team process 4.A.5.Increase student awareness of all above mentioned services through bulletin announcements, advisory and conferences Task 4.B. 4.B.1.Expand and support activities led by Renaissance and ASB programs 4.B.2.Promote student participation in the decision making bodies such as Student Advisory Congress, School Site Council, Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee 4.B.3.Provide students with opportunities to attend drug, alcohol, and tobacco education programs. Provide anger management courses for students in special education program. Task 4.C. 4.C.1.Provide staff with Crisis Management and Emergency Preparedness plans and training 4.C.2.Coordinate, review and implement a solid School Safety Plan 4.C.3.Provide staff with workshops and training in: Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Education, School Violence Reduction, Conflict Resolution, HIV/AIDS Education, Classroom Management and Cultural Diversity
Goal Objective 5 Teacher proficiency in the use of data using district sponsored programs such as DataDirector will increase to 100%. All teachers will use data to guide curriculum and instruction. Student groups participating in this Goal All students will be effected by effective use of data by teacher and the improvement of standards based classroom instruction - guided by data. Task 5.A. 5.A.1.Provide annual training for all staff in using DataDirector software. Use collaboration time to analyze the data. 5.A.2.Write specific goals for each school program and use edusoft and assessment data to determine success Task 5.B. 5.B.1.Hire data analysis team to determine success of programs such as CAHSEE interventions and tutoring, ELD program, Title I program, STUDIO, and R B.2.Hire extra-duty technology trainers. Task 5.C. 5.C.1.Conduct department collaboration meetings where teachers can collaborate on effective lessons in areas of need (identified by data). Teachers will present how they are using data to inform their instruction. 5.C.2.Department chairs will give their teachers monthly tasks on using data to drive their instruction