Intro. To Poe and Dickinson How does a writer’s life influence their work? August 29 - Sept 2
Tuesday Do Now: We will begin our second Literary Terms quiz just after announcements. You may use this time to review your flashcards as needed. Remember! I will always have two bonus questions that refer to previously assigned literary terms! So study your first set of flashcards as well.
Tuesday Homework New FlashCards (Due Next Wednesday next week) conceit, ode, apostrophe, Journal Reflection: Describe the tone of “Ulalume” and discuss how the tone of the poem affects its theme or meaning. 2 pages minimum. (Due Friday 9/2) Read and watch the videos about American poet, Emily Dickinson posted on Google classroom. Have a least one page of notes regarding her life and work. (Due Friday 9/2)
Tuesday Objective: We will identify patterns in Poe’s poetic style, tone, and themes. We will discuss how poets write their experiences into their poetry. Agenda: Quiz SS style discussion of Poe’s life and works Journal entry and notes regarding Poe’s life
Wednesday Do Now: We will complete our Tone Flashcards and posters for the classroom. Homework: Continued from Wednesday
Friday Do Now: Please pick up your “Do Now” from the class tray as you enter the classroom. Read the directions and get started! You will have 10 minutes following announcements to complete this activity.
Friday Homework: Don’t forget your flashcards! TIPDATT “tell the Truth but tell it slant” -quiz grade! (Due Wednesday)