Local Curriculum Approval Processes


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Presentation transcript:

Local Curriculum Approval Processes Marie Boyd, Curriculum Chair, Chaffey College Leticia Hector, ASCCC Curriculum Committee, San Bernardino Valley College 2018 Curriculum Institute Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

Objectives Examine the requirements of Title 5 versus local processes Greater Efficiency for the Curriculum Committee and local approval process Share best/recommended practices

Review of Last Year’s Requirements Annual Credit Courses Certification Certification forms were due on October 16, 2017 Form required the signatures of the CEO, CIO, Senate President, and Curriculum Chair This certification applied to the following: All credit courses (stand alone or program applicable) except for cooperative work experience

How Did We Certify Training for Curriculum Committee Last Summer/Fall? Chaffey College: “Curriculum Committee Retreat” San Bernardino Valley College: Dedicated first Fall meeting for training Other Suggestions?

Review of Local Requirements Regarding Curriculum Processes This year’s changes in streamlining curriculum will be outlined at Saturday’s General Session!! The memo regarding the certification will go out mid-September and due October 16.

SO………… BUT…….. We want our local streamlined processes to be efficient We also need to be compliant with Title 5 Let’s look at the interplay between local process and Title 5

Title 5 versus Local Processes Approval of CORs CORs versus Syllabi Curriculum Committee Membership Length of Local Curriculum Review Process A-Z Local Curriculum Approval for CTE areas Some topics we will specifically address in today’s presentation

Title 5 versus Local Processes – Approval of CORs Title 5 requires a Faculty Senate: § 53201. Academic Senate or Faculty Council Title 5 requires a Curriculum Committee: § 55002 (a) (1) Standards and Criteria for Courses. Curriculum Committee Title 5 specifies faculty purview: § 53200. Definitions – “10+1” - faculty primacy Title 5 dictates what must be on a COR: § 55002 (a) (3) Standards and Criteria for Courses. Course Outline of Record SLOs? Title 5 mandates local Board approval: §51002 Standards of Scholarship among others But Title 5 is more or less silent regarding HOW curriculum is approved at the local level. Requisites and advisories for noncredit should follow the same rules as those for credit courses, but Title 5 §55002 places no requirements around the establishment of them in noncredit instruction. However, the Title 5 section on requisites and advisories, §55003, does not differentiate between credit and noncredit courses. The process and need for developing and implementing requisites applies to all courses. In general, the purpose should be to provide either a requisite or some elementary guidance with a strong recommendation to seek counseling advisory services. The noncredit course faculty author should consult with the curriculum chair or other local resource to determine local policy. If local policy allows for requisites on noncredit courses, the faculty member should review the guidelines for prerequisite, corequisites and advisories. From Course Outline of Record

Required Elements of a COR per T5 §55002 – Credit Curriculum Course Number and Title Unit Value and Contact Hours – including “homework” hours Requisites Catalog Description Objectives Content Methods of Instruction Methods of Evaluation Sample Assignments – Required Reading and Writing Assignments p. 14 in COR Guide: Outside-of-class hours are the hours a student is expected to engage in coursework outside of the classroom. Federal and state regulations for credit hour calculations are based on the total time a student spends on learning, including outside-of-class hours. As a matter of standard practice in higher education, lecture and related course formats require two hours of student work outside of class for every hour in-class. All other academic work, including laboratory, activity, studio, clinical, practica, TBA, etc., must provide an equivalent total number of student learning hours as typically required for lecture, with the ratio of in-class to outsideof-class work prorated appropriately for the instructional category. This ratio is reviewed by accrediting commissions to ensure that it is in compliance with federal regulations regarding credit hours.

Required Elements of a COR per T5 §55002 (c) (1) – Noncredit Curriculum Noncredit instruction is limited to nine areas stipulated by Education Code §84757 Noncredit Categories Only one standard for approval is mandated by Title 5 for noncredit courses. This standard placed the burden of rigor upon the local curriculum committee to determine that course elements detailed herein are appropriate for the intended students. (1) Parenting, including parent cooperative preschools, classes in child growth and development and parent-child relationships. (2) Elementary and secondary basic skills and other courses and classes such as remedial academic courses or classes in reading, mathematics, and language arts. (3) English as a second language. (4) Classes and courses for immigrants eligible for educational services in citizenship, English as a second language, and work force preparation classes in the basic skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, mathematics, decisionmaking and problem solving skills, and other classes required for preparation to participate in job-specific technical training. (5) Education programs for persons with substantial disabilities. (6) Short-term vocational programs with high employment potential. (7) Education programs for older adults. (8) Education programs for home economics. (9) Health and safety education.

Required Elements of a COR per T5 §55002 (c) (1) – Noncredit Curriculum Course Number and Title Status (noncredit versus credit or others) Contact Hours (not required to have coursework outside of class time) Requisites Catalog Description Content Objectives Methods of Instruction Methods of Evaluation – including attendance Sample Assignments – Required Reading and Writing Assignments Give a shout out for last year’s publication of the Course Outline of Record Guide – show a copy of it.

And just a few words about Units, Credit Hours and Learning T5 mandates the formula for calculating credits and hours AND ACCJC Accreditation standard IIA requires local Board Policy and Administrative procedures be in place: The evaluation team will examine and evaluate the reliability and accuracy of the institution’s assignment of credit hours by reviewing the institution’s related policies and procedures and application of those policies and procedures to programs and courses. ACCJC. Manual for Institutional Self Evaluation https://accjc.org/wp-content/uploads/Manual-for-Institutional-Self-Evaluation-AUG2017-revised-edition.pdf p.

ACCREDITATION – SYLLABUS Title 5: COR vs SYLLABUS TITLE 5 – COR Title 5 §55002 does much to establish many elements of a course outline of record, but it does not paint the complete picture of what the COR must accommodate. APPENDIX III in Course Outlines of Record Guide, p. 76: Alternative Course Formats Cooperative Work Experience Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §55250-§55257 Independent Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §55230-§55240 Open Entry/Open Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . §58164 Special Topics/Activity Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §55041, §58161 Supplemental Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §58168-§58172 Certificates of Achievement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §55070 Degrees/Area of Emphasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §55063 Distance Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §55200-§55210 Excursions and Field Trips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §55220, §58166 Grading Policies......................................................................................................§55021-§55023 Noncredit Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §55150-§55155 Enhanced funding ................................................................................................. §55151-§55154 Requisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §55003 ACCREDITATION – SYLLABUS STANDARD II.A.3 “The institution identifies and regularly assesses learning outcomes for courses, programs, certificates and degrees using established institutional procedures. The institution has officially approved and current course outlines that include student learning outcomes. In every class section students receive a course syllabus that includes learning outcomes from the institution’s officially approved course outline.” Local Senates May Have a template with boilerplate language recommending items to be included in the syllabus.

Title 5: Curriculum Committee Composition Nothing in T5 specific to the makeup of the Curriculum Committee As a review, related Title 5 citations: § 53200. Definitions – “10+1” - faculty primacy § 53201. Academic Senate or Faculty Council – requirement to have a Faculty Senate § 55002. Standards and Criteria for Courses – requirement for a Curriculum Committee §53000 is in chapter 4 on “Employees” §55000 is in chapter 6 on Curriculum and Instruction 55002 a (1) Curriculum Committee. The college and/or district curriculum committee recommending the course shall be established by the mutual agreement of the college and/or district administration and the academic senate. The committee shall be either a committee of the academic senate or a committee that includes faculty and is otherwise comprised in a way that is mutually agreeable to the college and/or district administration and the academic senate.

Curriculum Committee Composition A local decision – let’s hear from you!

T Local Approval Process Nothing in T5 specific to the length of the local curriculum approval process Quite often this process is dictated by the local Curriculum Management database…. Technical Review General Education subcommittee Articulation Review – Comparable Courses How many readings by the Curriculum Committee Faculty Senate endorsement Review by your VPI? Local Board approval (share Chaffey’s calendar and timelines)

Local Approval Process – Other Issues Program Initiation Processes? Program Deactivation/Viability Processes? Narrative for Program/Certificate submission to COCI COCI

Share Best Practices Prepare timelines and calendars for your campus community regarding curriculum deadlines Monthly curriculum submissions to the local Board Submit proposal to regional consortium while it is working it’s way through local process – submit Board approval date at the end For CTE proposals, obtain LMI from Center of Excellence AND Advisory Committee minutes ASAP

Local Curriculum Processes for CTE – Suggested Practices Submit proposal to regional consortium while it is working it’s way through local process – submit Board approval date at the end For CTE proposals, obtain LMI from Center of Excellence AND Advisory Committee minutes ASAP Prepare handbook/guide for faculty for the accurate and thorough recording of Advisory Committee Minutes

How do we process curriculum that can be locally approved?