Conflict What is conflict? Can you think of a time when you have ever had a conflict in your life?
Conflict In a story, conflict is the struggle between opposing forces. Some stories have more than one conflict, but usually there is just one MAIN conflict.
Two Categories of Conflict Two Main Categories External Conflict A Conflict that occurs between a character and outside forces. Internal Conflict A conflict that occurs within the mind or one character.
5 Types of Conflict Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Self Man vs. Society Man vs. Machine
Man vs. Man The opposition or struggle is between two or more characters in the story.
The struggle or opposition is between a character and nature. Man vs. Nature The struggle or opposition is between a character and nature.
Man vs. Self The struggle or opposition is within one character--making a tough decision, for example.
Man vs. Society The conflict or struggle is between a character and the ideas, cultures, or customs that everyone else seems to value.
Man vs. Machine The conflict is between a character and some kind of technology—robotic forces, artificial intelligence.