February 19, 2016 Bellringer Define the following terms and locate examples in the text: Symbolism Charaterization Setting Pause after bellringer to clarify the purpose of the guided notes packet and the journals. Also, explain the frequency and grading for the journals (six total, top four will count towards your grade)
Figurative Language Using figures of speech to enhance a text or describe an action within a text Metaphor, simile, different kinds of imagery Function in the text: to make writing more meaningful for the reader Example in ATLWCS: “To the bombardiers, the walled city on its granite headland, drawing ever closer, looks like an unholy tooth, something black and dangerous, a final abscess to be lanced away.” (Doerr, 4)
Motif Repetitive use of imagery or figurative language in multiple (similar) concepts Function in the text: to maintain and further explain a theme Example in ATLWCS: The use of the color white White – snow, Werner’s hair, Marie’s view of her mother
Conflict Three major types of “disagreement” Man vs. Man Man vs. Self Man vs. Nature Function in the text: drives plot, creates tension Example in ATLWCS: Werner and his desire to study science, but skepticism of the Nazi Party Ask what kind of conflict the example is
Scavenger Hunt Work on this worksheet with your partner for the next [] minutes.
Exit Ticket Write a short paragraph expanding upon one of the literary devices and an example we’ve gone over so far. Provide an example of this literary device in any other text you’ve read. For next class: Read pages 70-140 (“Jungmänner”) and answer the questions in your packet for that section Jungmänner = young men Talk about titles and contexts