Describe the major revisions that were made, and the compromises that were struck, at the Constitutional Convention.
Amending the Constitution Meant to be difficult Require action from national and state gov Amendment proposed by 2/3 vote in each house of Congress and ratified (accepted) in at least ¾ of state legislatures
Article V: Amending the Constitution
Article V: Amending the Constitution
Choosing the President Compromise The Framers of the Constitution debated whether to have the President chosen by Congress or by the popular of the people. Opponents of congressional selection felt the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches would be violated. Opponents of the popular election felt that the people would not know enough about the candidates to make wise choices.
The Electoral College was a compromise. combining features of both approaches People vote. Candidate with majority of votes get electoral votes from that state. Electors, who cast their vote, are chosen by the state legislature The United States Constitution outlines how the President is to be elected. Discuss more in unit 5