Brîff 7 Munud - Rhannu Gwybodaeth Information Sharing 7 Minute Briefing
1. BETH YDYW? 1. WHAT IS IT? Mae rhannu gwybodaeth yn hanfodol i ymarfer diogelu – mae rhannu gwybodaeth yn wael yn cael ei nodi yn aml fel problem mewn Adolygiadau Ymarfer Plant/Oedolion Mewn rhai achosion, mae'r wybodaeth wedi cael ei rannu ond dydi’r ymarferwyr heb wirio eu bod wedi deall y wybodaeth, felly mae rhywfaint o’r wybodaeth wedi cael ei or-bwysleisio neu ei dan-bwysleisio Sharing Information is crucial to safeguarding practice – poor information sharing is repeatedly flagged up as an issue in Child / Adult Practice Reviews In some cases, information sharing has taken place but practitioners had not checked that the information is understood, so that some information has been over- emphasised or under emphasised
2. BETH YDYW? 2. WHAT IS IT? “Ni all pryderon am rannu gwybodaeth fod yn rhwystr i'r angen i ddiogelu a hyrwyddo lles plant dan fygythiad o gamdriniaeth neu esgeulustod Ni ddylai ymarferydd gymryd yn ganiataol y bydd rhywun arall yn trosglwyddo’r wybodaeth i gadw plentyn yn ddiogel” Llywodraeth EM 2015 Mae’r datganiad hwn hefyd yn berthnasol i oedolyn mewn perygl “Fears about information sharing cannot be allowed to stand in the way of the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children at risk of abuse or neglect No practitioner should assume that someone else will pass on the information to keep a child safe” HM Government 2015 This statement also applies to an adult at risk
3. BETH YDYW? 3. WHAT IS IT? Dylai rhannu gwybodaeth fod yn: Angenrheidiol a chymesur Perthnasol Digonol Cywir Amserol Diogel Wedi’i gofnodi Information sharing should be: Necessary and proportionate Relevant Adequate Accurate Timely Secure Recorded
4. CYDNABYDDIAETH 4. RECOGNITION Dylai penderfyniadau am rannu gwybodaeth, boed yn benderfyniad i rannu neu beidio rhannu gael eu recordio, ynghyd â rhesymau dros y penderfyniad. Os mai’r penderfyniad yw peidio â rhannu, mae’n arfer da i roi gwybod i’r sawl sy’n gwneud y cais Cofiwch, yr ystyriaeth bwysicaf yw a ydi’r rhannu’r wybodaeth yn debygol o ddiogelu ac amddiffyn plentyn neu oedolyn mewn perygl Decisions regarding information sharing whether the decision is to share or not should be recorded with reasons for the decision If the decision is not to share , it is good practice to notify the requester of this Remember the most important consideration is whether sharing the information is likely to safeguard an protect a child or adult at risk
5. MATERION ALLWEDDOL 5. KEY ISSUES Defnyddiwch y saith rheol aur ar gyfer rhannu gwybodaeth Ystyried a oes yna bwrpas clir a chyfiawn dros rannu gwybodaeth Cydnabod faint i’w rannu Gwahaniaethu rhwng ffaith a barn Sicrhau eich bod yn rhoi’r wybodaeth gywir Rhannu'n ddiogel Rhoi gwybod i’r unigolyn cyn belled na fydd hyn yn creu neu’n cynyddu'r perygl o niwed Use the seven golden rules to sharing information Consider if there is a clear and legitimate purpose for sharing information Identify how much to share Distinguish fact from opinion Ensure you are giving the right information Sharing securely Inform the individual as long as this will not create or increase the risk of harm
6. SUT I YMATEB 6. HOW TO RESPOND Sut ydym ni’n rhannu gwybodaeth? Beth sydd yn rhesymau cyfiawn i rannu gwybodaeth Pam ein bod yn cofnodi pan fyddwn ni wedi gofyn am wybodaeth neu wedi rhannu gwybodaeth, ynghyd â'r rheswm pam? How do we share information? What do we consider to be legitimate reasons to share information Do we always record when we have requested or shared information with the reasons why?
7. GWEITHREDU 7. ACTION Os fyddwch chi angen eglurhad pellach, siaradwch gyda’ch Arweinydd Diogelu neu Swyddfa Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth Neu advice If you require further clarification speak to your Safeguarding Lead or the Information Governance Office Or advice