How to read a level “aa” book
Create the habit: model, model model Do a picture walk Talk about the pictures; ask questions; make personal connections Parent models reading with finger tracking touching each word as you read it Retell the story Ask comprehension questions When appropriate, it’s your child’s turn…
Your child’s turn! After you have modelled reading the book, it’s your child’s turn Finger tracking Important because they might be doing most of their “reading” from memory, so have them point to each word they’re saying Let them use the pictures as clues but go back and sound out that word Sounding out using grapheme knowledge they have gained so far If they get stuck Sound out, help out, review Don’t push it for too long Make it enjoyable When they can sound out all words independently, let the teacher know
Comprehension questions The Basics: Where did the story take place? What did the girl do? Who was in this story? The Elite (open ended): How? Why?
Make it special Have a special reading place Relax: it is a process and it will take some time Give choices Show excitement Make it a daily habit
Communicate with the teacher Use the tracking log (i.e., “please assess my child”) Bring up concerns with the teacher