1 EMF Summer School Koloçeb August 2010 Guido Nelissen
1,6 bn. + 1,15 bn. Alternative finance used for 6 structural axes Human capital Poles of competitiveness and networks of companies Scientific Research Creation of economic activities and high quality jobs Alliance Work-Environment Work and social welfare 2 horizontal axes Sustainable development as a driver for all policies The public sector as a partner and the promotion of a Wallonian consciousness as a source for mobilisation 2
new jobs companies involved persons in training researchers recruted 1 bn. Investments by companies in competitiveness poles 3
Objectives and assessments made by independent boards and based on independent analyses Effective and permanent follow-up Full implication of social partners (and other stakeholders) in every stage of the plan Transparent and flexible management of the budgets dedicated to the different objectives 4
5,3 mio. Investments Support to local products Support more sustainable concepts of mobility Sustainable public procurement Ecological, social and ethical clauses in all public markets 5
5 mio. Very close monitoring/reporting on the implementation Administrative simplification: a personal site for every company where they can monitor the state of play of all their files introduced in the administration 6
280 mio investments and 600 mio. Alternative finance First alliance: 1000 green jobs for schoolleavers and long termsunemployed by improving energy-efficiency of existing buildings Training programmes to have a spillover impact on the construction sector Promote sustainable investments in the housing sector by means of subsidies for insulation, zero-intrest loans for refurbishment, programs of collective heating, pilot-projects for eco-construction in the public sector, improving energy-efficiency in public buildings Green R&D: creation of a center of excellence on sustainable development Promotion of eco-conception and eco-design in 500 companies Financial support for 100 start ups in environmental technologies Adapt training programmes to the new needs and competences 7
142 mio. Support to R&D networks More performant equipment More international contacts for researchers and better use of international programmes More public-private partnerships 8
337 mio. Creation of poles of training Promotion of technical and scientific professions Reinsertion of schoolleavers and long term unemployed A plan to improve language skills Activating the unemployed Increase combined work/training programs and the number of traineeships Improve sectoral skills by means of agreements with the sectoral social partners 9
279 mio new jobs for schoolleavers and long term unemployed in child care, help to disabled people, support to elderly people and afterschool care Step up investments in homes and kindergartens 10
388 mio. Support to the 5 existing poles Increase participation of smes Strengthen regional, national and international synergies More R&D projects More support to investments Support to export More attention to FDI Strenghten the dimension of sustainable development 11
6th pole: environmental technologies Support to the development of clusters of companies: legal framework and creation of a platform for ecoclusters 12
167 mio. And 425 mio. alternative finance Promoting entrepreneurship Improve access to capital: micro-credits for female entrepreneurs, mobilisation of private funds, cancellation of anti-economic taxes Promote international presence of Wallonia Promotion of economic activities on the Wallonia territory Cleaning up of 50 polluted industrial sites Rehabilitation of 191 less-polluted industrial sites Industrial zonings Improve their equipment (750 ha) 5 eco-zonings will be set up Development of micro-zonings inside cities Creation of zones franches in cities and rural areas Increased investment support (1375 companies in the first Marshall plan) Increased support for economic infrastructure (30 projects) 13