William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold Speech Chapter 5 Grange Farmers’ Alliance Populism bimetallism gold bugs silverites William McKinley William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold Speech What problems did Farmers face? How did Farmers attempt to improve their situation? What was the Populist Party platform? Why did the Populists choose to join the Democratic Party How did the Populist Party end? Was it successfu?
Chapter 6 transcontinental railroad Pullman Company Credit Mobilier Munn v. Illinois Interstate Commerce Act horizontal integration vertical integration Social Darwinism trust robber baron Andrew Carnegie John Rockefeller Haymarket Affair Albert Parsons What are the positives and negatives of the railroad industry? How did farmers challenge the railroad industry? Identify specific business strategies of the captains of industry. What are the differences between a captain of industry and a robber baron? What caused the Haymarket Affair? How did it affect the public view of labor unions?
Chapter 7 Nativism Chinese Exclusion Act Gentlemen’s Agreement tenements Social Gospel Movement settlement houses Gilded Age political machine captains ward bosses city bosses fraud graft kickbacks Boss Tweed Thomas Nast patronage Pendleton Civil Service Act Who are the old immigrants? the new immigrants? describe the immigrant experience in the city. Why were laws passed to limit immigration? How did settlement houses help immigrants and the poor? Describe the purpose and the structure of the political machine and their connection to immigration. What tactics (legal and illegal) did political machines use to maintain power? What were the political reforms that ended patronage? were they successful?
How did African-American leaders fight discrimination? Chapter 8 Booker T. Washington Tuskegee Institute W.E.B. Dubois poll tax grandfather clause segregation Jim Crow laws Plessy v. Ferguson Compare and contrast the views of Washington and Dubois regarding African-Americans place in society. How did Southern states violate African-Americans’ constitutional rights? How did African-American leaders fight discrimination?