FSC Employee; Students; Non-FSC Staff; Public; All FSC Site Working Information Card: Preston Montford Estate and Farm Lane Issued: 19/3/18 By: AM To be read in conjunction with OCOP P01, and OCOP P01: App. 2 – Generic Out of Classroom Risk Assessment App. 3 – Generic Environment Risk Assessment – Farmland, Freshwater, Parkland, Woodland. App. 4 & 5 – Generic Activity Risk Assessments [various] Site Specific Risk Assessment (see below) Learning Location: Preston Montford Field Centre Address: Preston Montford, Shropshire, SY4 1DX Tel: 01743 852040 Duty Phone number: 07977 059538 Other contacts: n/a Site Information In the event of an accident / incident: Site description: Field Studies Council field centre. Centre buildings and grounds, including fields (some grazed), ponds, woodlands, river bank and lane past neighbouring farm (plus badger sett viewing area). Mobile Phone Coverage: All networks – Average to Good. Stay calm and decide how best to manage the situation Ensure Safety and Welfare of whole group Deal with immediate Injuries Evacuate or phone 112 / 999 Phone Preston Montford Complete Incident Card Access rights: Farm is currently inhabited by resident tenants. Farm being managed by Onslow Estate. We can use the badger watching and lane for the foreseeable future. Nearest Phone: Preston Montford Field Centre(PM)/FSC Head Office(HO)/Preston Montford Farm. Grid reference / Postcode: SJ 432 143/SY4 1DX (PM)/SY4 1HW (HO). Nearest Dwelling: See above. Access / Egress: From A458, turn onto B4473, take second left to the field centre, or take the first left down a single track lane, to FSC Head Office or the farm. Then turn left onto the farm track if necessary. From B4380, turn onto B4473, take the first right to Preston Montford Field Centre or the second right to HO or the farm. By foot from Preston Montford Field Centre, pass FSC Head Office and continue through farm yard onto track. From Ford, via public footpath.. Nearest Hospital / Doctor: Hospital & Walk-in Centre: Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8XQ /Distance: 3.7 miles/Tel: 01743 261000 & 01734 231000/Open; 24/7 & 8:00-20:00. Pharmacy: Bicton Heath Shopping Centre, Welshpool Road, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, SY3 5AD/Distance: 2.2 miles/Tel: 01743 249129/Open: M-F 9:00-18:00, Sat 9:00-13:00 Parking: Park at Preston Montford Field Centre or FSC Head Office. It would be possible to drive along farm lane track if necessary. Special equipment required: None. Site Specific Risk Assessment Risk without controls Control Measures Risk with controls Hazards (state none if all hazards and controls are identified in OCoP P01 and appendices) Persons at Risk FSC Employee; Students; Non-FSC Staff; Public; All Outcome Likelihood Total Risk rating Outcome (1) Inconvenience (2) Minor Injury (3) Injury / Illness (4) Major Injury (5) Fatality / Multiple Likelihood (1) Rarely (2) Unlikely (3) Infrequent (4) Sometimes (5) Often Total Risk Rating with controls None Page 1 of 2
Turn right at end of B4473 & drive to next village (Bicton) FSC Site Working Information Card: Preston Montford Estate and Farm Lane Fuel Station Turn right at end of B4473 & drive to next village (Bicton) River Bank MUST be pre-checked before taking a group. Paths may periodically flood, which can make them impassable or slippery. Bridleway Horses and dog walkers use occasionally Bee Hotel Sheep Grazed in fields Steeply sloping Woodland Stay on paths Reedbed Sewage System Risk of waterbourne disease, Some steep banks Vehicle Access from B4473 Pedestrian Access and Egress Via Ford N Narrow Track Used by farm machinery, very muddy in places, and can get very waterlogged. Site Boundary Out of Bounds Out of SWIC Vehicle access Nearest Phone Nearest Dwelling Site Access Public Toilets Parking Road Crossing Pharmacy Petrol Station Page 1 of 2