Social reporters Day 1 gn pbo
Introduction and welcome remarks The following countries and organisations are represented: South Africa ParlAmericas Zimbabwe Kenya Jamaica Ukraine Uganda South Korea Trinidad and Tobago
World café Monitor findings from PBO Output Longer established PBOs to learn from new PBOs Share Information with similar networks Learn ideas to deal with challenges Overcome the challenge of producing information that is perceived as credible
Budget Analysis Framework Working group presented a budget analysis matrix which covered: Area of Analysis Objectives Tools Methods Sources of information Expected outcomes
Budget Analysis framework The Areas of analysis covered: Economy; Revenue; Expenditure; Fiscal Sustainability Resource allocation relative to national long/medium term plans; Allocation relative to capital expenditure; Allocation relative to MTEF & LTEF; Value for money; Outcome assessment; etc.
Group discussions Peer review of analyses should be done throughout the network to improve quality of output An interactive PBO app could be created for convenient and instant connectivity Analyses completed could be published on the GN-PBO website Structure the PBO professional network to link with other institutions such as the Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, etc.
Photos from day 1