Do You Have Permission To Use That? A basic overview of copyright policies Laura Coburn
Guilty of Infringement? Pay the dollar amount of damages and profits $200 - $150,000/each piece of work Infringer pays court fees Jail
“Fair Use” “A doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted materials without acquiring permission from the rights holders”.
Factors to determine Fair Use 1. What is the purpose and character of use? 2. What is the nature of the copyrighted work? 3. What is the amount to be used? 4. What is the effect on the potential market?
Multimedia Portions can be used with proper citations and credit For personal use only Ask permission if eventually going to be publicized (accessible on the internet etc.)
Someone Else’s Words 10% of a work or 1,000 words Proper citations
Film 10% of copyrighted work or 3 minutes (whichever is less) Proper citations Cannot be altered
Music 10% of music or 30 seconds (which ever is less) Alterations cannot change the basic melody Proper citations needed
Recorded Program No more than 2 copies can be made Can be used for instructional purposes Do not post on website Proper citations are necessary
How do you get permission? Determine the copyright owner Contact the owner or proper department Ask permission – explain the amount you need, why, and intended audience.
Websites Websites are generally a combination of fair use material and copyrighted material so check before you use. Proper citations are necessary
Good rule of thumb…..
Give credit to the owner so you don’t have to pay the fine or the time!