Mobile Access to MessageGrid By, Kiruthika Selvamani Rashmy Appaneravanda 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Outline Overview Features Technology Design Implementation & Demo Conclusion Future Work Acknowledgements Questions 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Overview Enable access to MessageGrid via Cell Phones Cell Phone features to MessageGrid DCIT Authentication Sending Email/SMS to grid members Uploading and viewing images Viewing messages posted to MessageGrid 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Technology .Net Platform Language – C# PHP WML devMail package IIS Web Server MS SQL 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Design 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Design – DB Changes MessageGridUsers CellNumber ServiceProvider Email SMS UniqueID Name Domain 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Implementation – DCIT Authentication Authentication is via ftpLogin class and cuAuthentication dll 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Implementation – Sending Email/SMS Send mass or individual Email/SMS to other registered users of a MessageGrid Implemented using System.Web.Mail.MailMessage object of .Net 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Demo – Sending Email/SMS 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Implementation – Uploading Images Images are uploaded via emails to the web server Emails are sent to Subject: GridName, ColumnName, ImageName Body: Image Description 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Implementation - Upload Images package POPs emails from the mail server Mailupload runs as a scheduled task on hogwarts strips image attachments reduces size uploads images to the web server Two versions of images are stored in the web server Cell Phone version ( reduced size) Browser version (original size) 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Implementation – Uploading Images 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Demo – Uploading Images 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Implementation – Viewing Images View images from selected Grid and column Images are displayed as links using the <img> tag of WML 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Demo – Viewing Images 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Implementation – Viewing Messages Messages posted to the grid can be viewed from Cell Phones 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Demo – Viewing Messages 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Conclusion Ease of sharing images/data component Direct Upload Global.asax 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Future Work Display the latest messages to prevent network traffic Direct upload of images to the server rather than via emails Desktop interface for the new features 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Acknowledgements We thank Dr Pargas for his guidance and ideas. Thanks to Josh Austin for his technical support and Robert Whitten for Email/SMS. 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University
Cpsc 663 Clemson University Q? 1/17/2019 Cpsc 663 Clemson University