Bragg School Chester School District Chester, NJ Literacy & Math Support Through Title 1 Funding Parent Information Meeting Bragg School Chester School District Chester, NJ *
Agenda Title 1 Overview Consultation and Collaboration Committee Placement Criteria Goals, Program and Schedule Graduating from the program Parental Support
What is Title 1? According to the U.S. Department of Education, Title 1 is the nation’s oldest and largest federally funded program. Annually, it provides over $7 billion to school systems across the country for students at risk of failure and/or living near the poverty level. Chester has qualified to receive Title 1 funding based on a federal formula and percentage of students receiving Free and Reduced School Lunch.
What is Title 1? An instructional program to meet the needs of identified students in the targeted assistance schools, is designed in consultation with parents, staff and district staff. These targeted assistance programs must use instructional strategies based on scientifically based research and implement parental involvement activities.
Consultation and Collaboration Committee Meeting District Needs Assessment Identified a Priority Need Parent Involvement Right to Know letter Parent Involvement Policy School-Parent Compact Communication
Placement Criteria Assessment of Reading Level Guided Reading Level SRI PARCC, if available Teacher Input Assessment of Math Level BOY Placement Assessment
Goal of The Title 1 Program In addition to the Reading and/or Math instruction given during regular class time, students will receive direct instruction in small groups or individually to address their needs in order to bring them up to grade-level competency.
Multisensory Literacy Instruction using Orton-Gillingham strategies Research Based Literacy Approved Program 3rd Grade - 5th Grade Zaner Bloser: Reaching All Readers Strategic Reading Intervention Multisensory Literacy Instruction using Orton-Gillingham strategies Lessons provide students with opportunities to read a variety of genres while working on comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, phonics, word study, and writing about reading. *
Research Based Math Approved Program 3rd Grade - 5th Grade Zaner Bloser: Reaching All Readers Strategic Reading Intervention Orton-Gillingham Multi sensory lessons provide students with opportunities to strengthen their number sense, to work on models for understanding, and to reach proficiency in mathematical concepts. *
Schedule for Literacy and Math Support During the school day During ELA or Math Block Pushing into the Classroom Two or Three times a week 30-40 minute sessions
Graduating the Program Students will be assessed throughout the program Groups may change based on success Students will graduate once they have sufficiently progressed and are on pace with other students in their grade *
Support from Home Continue working with Classroom teacher Ask questions about your child’s work Make use of resources Library School Debbie Foster, Literacy Support Teacher , Math Support Teacher On going Encouragement and Support Practice, Practice, Practice!
Next Steps Start meeting with students next week Continue to assess progress Parent Meetings- Parent input is required, desired and encouraged at all times!
Debbie Foster- Literacy Contact Information Debbie Foster- Literacy 908-879-5324 ext. 5526 Teacher- Math E-mail 908-879-5324 ext. 5106 District Title 1 Link: