Origins of Islam p.59-65
I. Muhammad’s Early Life A. First raised by grandfather, later uncle (parents died when he was young) B. Visited many places (Syria, Jerusalem) while traveling with caravans
C. Married Khadijah (rich caravan business owner) D. Although rich, Mecca had many poor and ignored people
II. Message for Muhammad A. Pray & meditate on problems of Mecca B. Angel appeared & spoke to Muhammad C. Muhammad shares messages of God, making him a prophet
Muhammad’s messages formed Islam Followers called Muslims F. Quran (or Koran) – holy book of Islam
III. Teachings from Muhammad A. Only one God, Allah B. Acknowledged prophets Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (did not think Jesus was the son of God) C. Respectfully called Jews & Christians “people of the book.” D. Rich & poor were equal in religious community E. Rich should give money to poor
“There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet”
IV. Challenge to old A. Most Arabs were polytheistic, worshiping gods at shrines B. People traveled to Kaaba in Mecca, a very important shrine, for pilgrimage C. Pilgrims made Mecca wealthy D. Wealthy wanted to keep status, not give to poor or be considered equal to them
V. Islam spreads in Arabia A. More people listen to Muhammad’s ideas. Rulers of Mecca concerned B. 622 ADMuhammad moved to Medina to help them (and to get away from Mecca) C. Journey called the hegira. D. 622 became first year of Islamic calendar
VI. Islam spreads in Arabia II A. Muhammad’s house in Medina became first mosque B. New revelations: Muslims should face Mecca when praying (not Jerusalem as previously practiced) C. Believe Kaaba house of worship built by Abraham D. Conflict with Mecca continued E. 630 AD, after fighting, Mecca accepted Islam & welcomed Muhammad back F. Muhammad destroyed polytheistic statues in Kaaba
VII. Islam spreads in Arabia III A. Muhammad died 632 B. Disagreement over who would be religious leader C. Shia – believe Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law should be leader. Only blood relatives should be leaders.(Daughter Fatimah respected. Her descendants known as Fatimah dynasty) D. Sunni- non blood members could be leader