www.dailyteachingtools.com Story maps are very helpful but our 6th grade students need to come prepared with an understanding of all the elements so that when the application of writing is asked of them, along with the intertwining of text types such as narrative nonfiction or expository essay (a form of argument writing with a narrative flare), students will have the knowledge base. PARCC MCF state: From the importance of organization to the nuance of word choice, shaping narratives that reflect real or imagined experiences or events reinforces what students are learning elsewhere. The close attention to detail required by students to craft an effective and coherent narrative calls on a skill set similar to that being developed by other writing tasks. To tell an interesting story effectively or to provide an accurate description of a historical incident requires students to present vivid, relevant details that situate events in a time and place while crafting a narrative structure that lends coherence and significance to those details. As an easily grasped and widely used way to share information and ideas with others, both narrative story writing connected to texts and narrative descriptions of historical, scientific, or technical events or procedures serve as writing forms that are directly relevant to college and career readiness.