Community of Practice Module 2
Module 2 Big Idea: Using big ideas, learning goals, success criteria, and learning progressions build a culture of learning. Learning Goals: Understand the connections between key vocabulary presented in Module 2 Use success criteria to provide descriptive feedback on colleagues’ application activity Understand how to implement the application activity with students Reflect on current mindset and practice on the formative process Success Criteria: I can create a mind map to show connections between key vocabulary I can brainstorm success criteria and use these to help my peers improve their application activity I can add on to my mind map to make additional connections between vocabulary and implementation strategies I can identify and justify a quote from Mod2 to reflect on my new learning
Making Connections Mind Map Personalization “A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas. Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity.” Option 1: Chartpaper Option 2: **will need to quickly make an account Key vocabulary Big Idea Learning Goals Success Criteria Learning Progressions
Assessed Standards Essential Questions Lesson Objective/Standards “I Can” Statements
Quick ways to engage students in developing success criteria Create of examples and non-examples of success criteria for student to “sort” in small groups. Use turn and talks and have students explain to their partner what they think the success criteria should be – then discuss. Use a fishbowl and have two students role play using success criteria Co-create a chart of what the lesson objective will “look like” and “sound like” Have students review the “I Can” statements for the unit and identify statements that align to the lesson objective. Post one or two success criteria and ask students what is missing or what needs to be changed or added.
Learning progressions Most education authorities suggest that instead of incorporating a seemingly endless array of minor subskills and knowledge, learning progressions should contain only those subskills and bodies of enabling knowledge that represent the most significant building blocks.
Peer-to-Peer Focused Feedback Success Criteria Co-Construct Success Criteria with the Group
Making More Connections Revisit your mind map to integrate ways the components of your application activity can be used with students Include: Specific strategies Benefits I Spy! Visit at least 3 other mind maps to spy on their ideas Steal a few connections and add them to your mind map
Reflecting on your new learning from module 2, select a quote that resonates with and explain why by one of the following: 1. Posting on Padlet Include your name, quote, and justification 2. Snapping a pic of your quote and tweeting to @BCPSformative Include your justification, the picture of the quote, and a fun hashtag