WARM UP List the major eras in geologic/life history, and the years they encompass. Describe why major changes in organisms occur at the end of one era of geologic time and the beginning of another.
Evidence for Macroevolution
The Earth Extremely old 4.6 billion years
The Earth Extremely old Radiometric dating
The Earth Processes occur in the same way now that they did before
The Earth Uniformitarianism (James Hutton and Charles Lyell)
Evidence 1: Fossils Hard parts or imprints
Evidence 1: Fossils Age based on rock age or layer
Evidence 1: Fossils Show transitional forms
Evidence 1: Fossils Show transitional forms
Evidence 1: Fossils Show transitional forms
Evidence 1: Fossils Show transitional forms
Evidence 1: Fossils Show transitional forms
Evidence 1: Fossils Record is incomplete due to destruction of rock
Evidence 2: Comparative Anatomy Morphological divergence Ancestral structure leads to many variations
Evidence 2: Comparative Anatomy Vestigial structures Ancestral “leftovers”
Evidence 2: Comparative Anatomy Vestigial structures Ancestral “leftovers”
Evidence 2: Comparative Anatomy Vestigial structures Ancestral “leftovers”
Evidence 2: Comparative Anatomy Need to show homology Similarity due to ancestry
Evidence 2: Comparative Anatomy Be careful of analogy Similarity due to environment
Evidence 3: Comparative Embryology Look at development Flower bud growth rate
Evidence 3: Comparative Embryology Vertebrate embryos similar
Evidence 4: Comparative Biochemistry Similarity of amino acids in common proteins and the DNA code
WRAP UP List 3 ways fossils help us understand evolution.
WARM UP List the 4 pieces of evidence that support evolution. Give a specific example of each type of evidence.
WRAP UP Describe the piece of evidence that you think most strongly supports evolution, and explain why that is your choice.