Personal Qualification Standard – Part 2 Sailboat Training Personal Qualification Standard – Part 2 USNSCC Phoenix Division USNLCC Battleship Arizona 1/17/2019
Part 2 – Boat Equipment and Procedures The PQS Handbook will have items you must perform at any time ashore or dockside prior to beginning on the water training. Trainee must accomplish task without prompting or use of a reference. In response to the mentor, the trainee must complete the requirements below to participate as a crewmember in the Boat Crew program. Completion of Part 2 PQS will authorize you to be scheduled for underway boat crew training. 1/17/2019
Unit Sailboat – Desini 12 Overall Length 12 feet Beam 5 feet Free Board 17 inches Draft (Centerboard Down) 27 inches Mast Height 19 feet Dry Weight 225 pounds Sail Area - Main and Jib 92 square feet Trailer 170 pounds Capacity (Three Adults) 480 pounds 1/17/2019
Parts of a sailboat 1/17/2019
Parts of a sailboat (cont.) 1/17/2019
Boating Safety Equipment Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) One required for each passenger in the boat. Make sure the one you wear: is the appropriate size (fit) is worn at all times is in good condition 1/17/2019
Boating Safety Equipment Radio / Cell Phone Ensure good communications between the boat and shore Whistle Used for emergencies to call for help Boat Oar Can be used to power the boat in no wind Can be used to help a man overboard victim back into the boat. 1/17/2019
Using the FRS Radios Make sure the batteries are fresh. Make sure you are on the same channel Avoid using the “Call” buttons. Push the talk button before you start to speak and then let go after you stop. 1/17/2019
Using Common Pro-Words “This Is” – Used to let people know who is talking “Say Again” – repeat all of your last transmission “Roger” – I have understood your last transmission “Over” – Always say this after you are done speaking and expect a response. “Out” – Always say this after you are done speaking and do not want a response. “Execute” – To carry out a command immediately. “Execute to Follow” – Command will be provided ahead of time and carried out when the “Execute” command is given. 1/17/2019
Phonetic Alphabet Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-Ray Yankee Zulu 1/17/2019
Radio Procedures The sailboat should call to shore when: You are changing direction (tacking) You need further instructions You need assistance You are returning to the dock Don’t use the radio for horseplay or casual conversation. 1/17/2019
Example of Radio Procedures Ex. Seawolf is the Sailboat and Eagle was the shore: “Eagle, THIS IS Seawolf, OVER.” (sailboat is requesting communication) “Seawolf, THIS IS Eagle, GO AHEAD.” (two way communication established) “Executing change to Port Tack, OVER.” (information is passed to shore) Seawolf, THIS IS Eagle, ROGER, OUT.” (information is received by shore, transmission ended) 1/17/2019
Knot Tying You will be required to tie the following knots: Square knot Bowline in the end of a mooring line Bowline around an object A round turn and two half hitches Secure a line to a rail using a clove hitch 1/17/2019