Course Software Testing & Verification 2017/18 Wishnu Prasetya Course Organization Course Software Testing & Verification 2017/18 Wishnu Prasetya
(top level) Learning Goals Know a selected set of basic concepts, theories, and techniques of Software Testing and Software Verification They represent two complementary approaches towards software correctness : pragmatism vs completeness. Able to relate these theories and techniques to real problems.
Learning Goals The kinds of “perspective” we will take: An academic perspective towards software testing A mathematical-based foundation of software verification background in set theory and predicate logic is needed! Not in scope: practical aspects of software testing in a large project covered in Software Project (bachelor) automated algorithms covered in Program Verification (master)
Site & Materials Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt, Introduction to Software Testing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, ISBN 0-52188-038-1, 2008. Lecture Notes (see the website), for the program verification part.
Project & assignment Home works (3x) Testing Project, in 2 iterations work in teams of 3 persons Iter-1 : development, unit testing, white box testing iter-2 : development, system testing. each phase is closed by a demonstration Proving program correctness assignment
Grading In total 6 components: home works, project (2 iterations), proof (last iteration), 2x exams All components except the home works are mandatory. raw = if average exams ≥ 4.0 then if 5.0 ≤ g ≤ 6.0 then g rounded to the closest int else if g>6.0 then g rounded to the closest 0.5 else minimum(5,g) g = min ( 10 , 0.3 * average project + 0.2 * proof + 0.5 * average exams + max. 0.4pt from home work ) final = raw rounded to one decimal behind “.” resit: 4.0 final 5 , or if final=AANV
Software For the Project you need Visual Studio Enterprise. You can have it for free from Imagine/Dreamspark store, accessible through your solisid, from Intranet. This edition contains a test coverage analysis tool that you will need. There is also something called “IntelliTest” if you care to check it out. You will have to bring your own laptop. The computers in the practicum zalen do not have VSE.
Team Wishnu Prasetya (lectures & lab sessions) Cas van der Rest (TA: home work & Project)