Physical Activity for Children 0-5yrs
History A child’s brain is still developing from age 0-3yrs Behaviours/attitudes etc are ‘learnt’ when a child is 0-3yrs Movement is the basis of who we are today because it develops and strengthens the body and brain thru childhood as we grow
Quality early education is the most important factor in determining a child’s life chances The Childcare Bill (2005) requires local authorities to improve the outcomes of all children under 5yrs – places a statutory duty on top tier local authorities The Children Act (2004) gives legal force to the five outcomes for children
Knowing the whole child, their strengths and interests Learning and practising fundamental movement skills Contribution to brain, sensory development and learning Positive motivation towards long-term health and well-being Appreciating the child as both an intellectual and social being
Engaging children in quality physical movement experiences which develop and enhance emotional, social, physical and mental growth of the child
What is Active Play Crawling, Jumping, Throwing, Gripping, Swinging, Kicking, Balancing, Climbing – developing/improving a child’s basic skills through play Running, Kicking, Climbing, Skipping, Throwing, Hopping, Tunnelling – developing/ improving parents, carers, teachers basic skills so they can play
Health Benefits Maintains a healthy weight CHD prevention Diabetes prevention & control Primary prevention of some cancers Injury prevention and control Positive mental health
Also … Improves balance & movement skills Improves sense of vision Improves sense of touch
How Can We Achieve these Health Benefits? By improving/developing fundamental movement skills for all children 0-5yrs: Locomotor moving body from 1 place to another Manipulation imparting or receiving direct force from an object Stability moving or standing still with 1 body part still attached to the ground or equipment Movement & Body Awareness having knowledge of own body and movement capabilities