Bell Work Tuesday, January 23, 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Work Tuesday, January 23, 2018 Which colonial region had the most religious diversity during the 1700’s? What is meant by religious diversity? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Bell Work Which colonial region had the most religious diversity during the 1700’s? What is meant by religious diversity? The Middle or Mid-Atlantic Colonies had the most religious diversity, though it was still limited. Religious diversity means that there was more than one religion that was found in that region. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

English Traditions of Government

US HISTORY USHC 1.2 Tuesday, January 23, 2017 Analyze the early development of representative government and political rights in the American colonies, including the influence of the British political system and the rule of law as written in the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights, and the conflict between the colonial legislatures and the British Parliament over the right to tax that resulted in the American Revolutionary War.

Objective/Focus Question How did the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights influence the development of government and political rights in the American colonies?

Objective/Focus Question How did the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights influence the development of government and political rights in the American colonies? What is the Magna Carta? What is the English Bill of Rights? What are political rights? How did the Magna Carta influence the development of government? How did the Magna Carta influence political rights? How did the English Bill of Rights influence the government? How did the English Bill of Rights political rights?

“I Can” Statements I can… preview a text. analyze the Magna Carta. analyze the English Bill of Rights. provide examples of representative government. talk about how the British political system influenced government and rights in America.

Royals of the 1700s had total control of the country, these people do not, but their ancestors did have total power. People of England started rebelling. Limit the power of the monarchy, did that with a …

Constitutional Government LIMITED

Magna Carta 1215 Limited Government Individual Rights The Rule of Law Latin: Great Charter Limited Government Individual Rights TAXATION BY CONSENT The Rule of Law Jury Trials

Mini-lesson: Preview 1 Model preview, create anchor chart.

Read to find examples of representative government Student Work How did the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights influence the development of government and political rights in the American colonies? What is the Magna Carta? What is the English Bill of Rights? What are political rights? How did the Magna Carta influence the development of government? How did the Magna Carta influence political rights? How did the English Bill of Rights influence the government? How did the English Bill of Rights political rights? Preview Texts Read to find examples of representative government Limited Government Rule of Law Individual Rights Jury Trials Taxation by Consent

Read to find examples of representative government Student Work Preview Texts Read to find examples of representative government Limited Government Rule of Law Individual Rights Jury Trials Taxation by Consent King is not above the law King can not tax, only the common council

Constitutional Government LIMITED

Magna Carta 1215 Limited Government Individual Rights The Rule of Law Latin: Great Charter Limited Government Individual Rights TAXATION BY CONSENT The Rule of Law Jury Trials

Checking monarchs since the 13th century! Parliament Checking monarchs since the 13th century!

The “Top Down” Approach Divine Right of Kings The “Top Down” Approach REJECTED By the English BEHEADED 1649

The Glorious Revolution (1688) James II Unpopular “Papist” Run off by Parliament Throne VACANT No Bloodshed

WANTED A monarch who will sit down, shut up, and let Parliament take care of governing.

The English Bill of Rights William III (of Orange) Mary II (Stuart)

The English Bill of Rights Parliamentary Supremacy Executive Power Limited Free and Frequent Elections Taxation by Consent Catholic Monarch

The English Bill of Rights Declaration of Rights Freedom of Speech (1) Right to Petition (1) Arms for Defense (2) (for Protestants, at least!) Cruel & Unusual Punishments (8) Standing Armies in Peacetime (3)

John Locke Natural Rights Life Liberty Property GOD-GIVEN

John Locke Locke’s Values: Consent of the governed Religious Toleration Consent of the governed Right of Revolution GOD-GIVEN

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and... that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations… evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government…

English Political Traditions Constitutional Government Representative Government English Political Traditions

Mayflower Compact Agreement between colonists on how to govern themselves.

Town Meetings (New England) Egalitarian Democratic

House of Burgesses (Virginia) Representative Aristocratic

Salutary Neglect Tomorrow we will see how Salutary Neglect ended.

Exit Slip What impact did the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights have on government in the American colonies