Loyalty Program Leverages Cloud Power to Connect Merchants and Consumers "Having experienced running our own servers in previous businesses, I knew that the only way to grow Ferret Card would be to take full advantage of cloud services. Microsoft Azure has been a great fit for our business.“ – Matthew Ting, Founder, Ferret Card WINDOWS AZURE ISV: Ferret Card WEB SITE: www.ferretcard.com LOCATION: Toronto, Canada ORG SIZE: 14 INDUSTRY: Consumer Sales & Service WINDOWS AZURE ISV PROFILE: Founded in 2011, Ferret Card is a universal online rewards program, allowing businesses to reach out to new customers, reward existing customers, and retain loyal customers. SITUATION: Ferret Card is a mobile loyalty program platform that links merchants with consumers. Because it was growing quickly, it needed an infrastructure platform that could scale easily to expand merchant and customer coverage. It also needed a platform that is highly available anytime from anywhere. SOLUTION: Ferret Card moved its application back end and webpage from on-premises to Windows Azure web roles, worker roles, Windows Azure storage, and Windows Azure SQL database. This solution allows Ferret Card to perform all required merchant activities, such as management of customer/profile record and rewards program. It also supports the large amount of consumer traffic that the loyalty program generates. BENEFITS: Extended customer reach to a segment beyond what the company could previously afford and created a new avenue for additional revenue growth. Allowed offloading of infrastructure maintenance work to allow focus on growing business model. Accommodated easily scaling up with minimal provision time and in an on-demand fashion. WINDOWS AZURE CASE STUDY