Airport Layout Plans (ALPs) Definition and FAA Approval requirements
What is an ALP? Airport Layout Drawing Narrative Report An ALP is a scaled drawing depicting existing and future facilities and property necessary for the operation & development of the airport. It is a key “communication” and “agreement” document between the Airport Sponsor and the FAA. Components: Airport Layout Drawing Narrative Report Airport Airspace Drawing Inner Portion of the Approach Surface Drawing Terminal Area Drawing Land Use Drawing Exhibit “A” Airport Property Map
When should the ALP be updated? Federal Grant Assurance No. 29 states in part that the airport owner will: “…keep up to date at all times an Airport Layout Plan of the airport.” In general practice, ALPs should be updated at least every 2-5 years, depending on the type/size of airport.
Why does FAA approve ALPs? FAA Order 5100.38B, AIP Handbook, states in part that: “A current Airport Layout Plan which has FAA approval from the standpoint of safety, utility, and efficiency of the airport shall be required before a development project is approved.” *
FAA Guidance for ALP Preparation FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5300-13, Airport Design Change 7, Appendix 7. Change 7 was effective as of October, 2002. All ALPs must be updated to reflect these changes. New Change 7 is available at our FAA Web Site: Http://WWW.AWP.FAA.GOV/
Use the New Tool! ALP Checklist ALP Checklist consolidates the ALP data requirements in AC 150/5300-13 Please contact the ADO for a copy the newest ALP Checklist. Check for Quarterly updated versions. (Recent Version dated 09/14/2004). Sponsors are highly encouraged to provide the ALP Checklist to their Consultants prior to ALP preparation.
6 Basic Steps to ALP Approval Sponsor submits one (1) signed ALP drawing set with cover letter. FAA reviews the ALP and may provide a Re-submittal Letter. Comments provided are intended to strengthen your document. Sponsor corrects the ALP. Once the revision is ready, the Sponsor must schedule a meeting with an FAA Planner prior to re-submitting.
a. Basic Steps continued…. “Once the ALP is acceptable to FAA, from the standpoint of Safety, Utility, and Efficiency” Sponsor submits Seven (7) signed ALP copies. 5. ADO will circulate the ALP for airspace comments.
b. Basic Steps continued…. 6. After the comment period, the ADO will provide a letter issuing one of the following two: Unconditional Approval FAA may provide comments (unrelated to Safety, Utility, Efficiency) for a correction/change on the next ALP Update. Conditional Approval A Condition may also include a need for completion of environmental documentation according to NEPA.
ALP & Related FAA Processes NEPA ACIP
NEPA & ALPs All development items depicted on an FAA Approved ALP are subject to NEPA Review. Early Planning leads to efficient environmental processes. NEPA Review is performed via: NEPA CATEX Form EA EIS *The Airport Sponsor must coordinate all NEPA studies with an FAA Environmental Protection Specialist (EPS).
ACIP & ALP Be sure all ACIP development items are properly sequenced and are reflected on an FAA Approved ALP. NEPA Studies must precede all proposed development items in the ACIP sequence If an ALP Update is needed, the Sponsor may include the ALP Update as a line item in the ACIP for FY 2006. Again, all ACIP/ALP development items are subject to NEPA. END
Copies of the Updated ALP Checklist are now available!