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Presentation transcript:


Course Map Introduction SPECIAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENTS Section 1: Instructions – Special Education Assessment Plan Section 2: Scenarios Section 3: Conclusion – Where to get Assistance

Purpose This course is designed to provide you with the process and system knowledge required to: Create a Special Education Assessment Plan Create the Assessment Area

Objectives Navigate the appropriate Welligent areas to create forms and the Assessment area Knowledge of California Education Code 56321 Knowledge of LAUSD Special Education Assessment Policies and Procedures

Overview Referring students for a Special Education Assessment (pg. 26 of the Special Education Policies and Procedures Manual) “Any person who believes that a student has or may have a disability and requires special education and related services, may make a formal request for a special education assessment. The request must be in writing and entered on the Request for Special Education Assessment Form.” If a parent submits a letter making the request, transfer the information on to a Request for Special Education Assessment form. The Request for Special Education Assessment form can be found in the Welligent System’s Communication Center Downloads section and is labeled “Request for Assessment”.

California education code section 56321 “A statement of the requirement for California Education Code Section 56321 (a) If an assessment for the development or revision of the individualized education program is to be conducted, the parent or guardian of the pupil shall be given, in writing, a proposed assessment plan within 15 days of the referral for assessment not counting days between the pupil's regular school sessions or terms or days of school vacation in excess of five schooldays from the date of receipt of the referral, unless the parent or guardian agrees, in writing, to an extension. However, in any event, the assessment plan shall be developed within 10 days after the commencement of the subsequent regular school year or the pupil's regular school term as determined by each district's school calendar for each pupil for whom a referral has been made 10 days or less prior to the end of the regular school year. In the case of pupil school vacations, the 15-day time shall recommence on the date that the pupil's regular schooldays reconvene. A copy of the notice of a parent's or guardian's rights shall be attached to the assessment plan. A written explanation of all the procedural safeguards under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 United States Code Section 1400 et seq.), and the rights and procedures contained in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 56500), shall be included in the notice of a parent's or guardian's rights, including information on the procedures for requesting an informal meeting, prehearing mediation conference, mediation conference, or due process hearing; the timelines for completing each process; whether the process is optional; and the type of representative who may be invited to participate.”

http://sped.lausd.net Pages 26, 27 and 31 Developing an Assessment Plan http://sped.lausd.net Pages 26, 27 and 31

Course Map Introduction SPECIAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENTS Section 1: Instructions – Special Education Assessment Plan Section 2: Scenarios Section 3: Conclusion – Where to get Assistance

Welligent Instructions The following are instructions to assist Welligent users in creating a Special Education Assessment Plan (Form) and the Assessment Area in the Welligent System. Following the basic instructions are various scenarios that may be applied when determining that an assessment is needed.

Create an Assessment plan From the IEP Event Listing, click the In-Process IEP

Create the Special Education Assessment Plan (Form) At the Management screen, under the Notification section, in Forms/Referrals, click the green plus symbol to create the form. Complete the form header area and the areas of assessment.

Print the form and obtain the parent’s signature CREATE, continued: Print the form and obtain the parent’s signature Complete the Parent Consent area Complete the For Office Use Only area

Complete the Assessment Area Populate this area after the Assessment Plan has been signed and received. Complete each tab in order from left to right. Request: Indicate the reason for the assessment request.

Assessment Plan Assessment Area: Click: New Assessment to create assessment areas and assign assessors. Create Multiple or Single Assessment areas; Select the Assessment Category Select an area and assign an Assessor (must be listed in Participants)

ASSESSMENT PLAN, Continued Parent Consent: Select the appropriate response. Timelines: Enter appropriate dates in the: Date Plan Sent (1st Date) and Date Signed Assessment Plan Received

Course Map Introduction SPECIAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENTS Section1: Instructions – Create Special Education Assessment Plan: Form and Area Section 2: Scenarios Section 3: Conclusion – Where to get Assistance

Scenario I Creating an Assessment Plan when the IEP is In Process If during the meeting, it is determined that an assessment needs to be conducted and the IEP status is In Process, complete the following steps in the Welligent System Complete steps to create a Special Education Assessment Plan. Review with Parent/Guardian with educational rights. Print and have the parent/guardian with educational rights sign the form. In Welligent, update Signature and the For Office Use Only areas on the form and create the Assessment Area. Update the Meeting screen with the appropriate status by changing the Meeting Status from Scheduled to Recessed. Document the pertinent information in the Meeting Notes, i.e. the referral information and the reconvene date.

Meeting Screen Change Meeting Status to: Recessed. Update Meeting Notes with Referral information and a date for reconvening the meeting. Document the referral information and the reconvene date.rin the Meeting Notes area.

Scenario II create an assessment plan when the iep status is pending If at the conclusion of the meeting, it is determined that an assessment needs to be conducted, the IEP team may complete the first stage of locking, placing the IEP in a Pending status. Complete the following steps in the Welligent System: While the Meeting Status is marked as Scheduled, clear all errors; check off all Participants who attended the meeting. Change the status to Completed. The Date of IEP Meeting field on the IEP Meeting screen, will lock the document pages, preventing modification/changes to the pages with the exception of the Goal pages, the Parent Consent page and the Management Screen. Enter the date in the Date of IEP Meeting field, along with the start and end time; the IEP will be in a Pending status. Click New to open a Review IEP.

PENDING, Continued Complete steps to create a Special Education Assessment Plan. Review with Parent/Guardian with educational rights. Print and have the parent/guardian with educational rights, sign the form. In Welligent, update Signature and the For Office Use Only areas on the form. Create the Assessment Area.

Meeting Screen IEP Meeting: Meeting Status: Meeting status is marked as Completed Date of IEP Meeting: Enter the meeting date, the start and end times for the meeting. Click: Save IEP Event Listing: The status of the IEP is changed to Pending

Iep event listing IEP Event Listing: Create Review IEP Wizard: Select type of IEP, Manager and Save IEP Event Listing: The IEP will display with a status of In Process; open the IEP and create the Special Education Assessment Plan

Scenario IIi create an assessment plan when the iep is incomplete If during the meeting, it is determined that an assessment needs to be conducted, the IEP cannot be completed (neither PENDING nor ACTIVE), and the team does not want to connect the assessment to the IEP, complete the following steps in the Welligent System: On the Management screen, change the current IEP status to CANCELLED On the IEP Event Listing, create a New IEP Complete steps to create a Special Education Assessment Plan Review with Parent/Guardian with educational rights. Print and have the parent/guardian with educational rights sign the form. In Welligent, update Signature and the For Office Use Only areas on the form and create the Assessment Area. To go back to the original IEP, open it from IEP Event Listing; change the status from Cancelled to In Process. This will result in two IEP’s with a status of In Process

IEP EVENT LISTING On the IEP Management Screen, change the IEP status to Cancelled. On the IEP Event Listing, create a New IEP; open it and follow the steps and procedures to create the Special Education Assessment Form and Assessment Area. To access documents in the original IEP, go to the Management Screen and change the status back to In Process

Course Map Introduction SPECIAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENTS Section 1: Instructions – Create Special Education Assessment Plan: Form and Area Section 2: Scenarios Section 3: Conclusion – Where to get Assistance

Information Web Addresses: For Assistance: Welligent.lausd.net (production system from LAUSD site) https://welligent.lausd.net (production system from a non-LAUSD site) For Assistance: Questions regarding Special Education Policies and Procedure Contact the Division of Special Education Call: 213-241-6701 Questions and/or Assistance with Welligent Call: 213-241-4174 Fax: 213-241-8455 Email: welligentsupport@lausd.net Chat Line: Helpdesk.lausd.net