Formatted Lists Unordered Lists Usage of Unordered List Ordered Lists Usage of Ordered List Nesting Lists
Unordered Lists <ul>…</ul> Unordered list is a collection of related items that have no special order or sequence. <ul> tag is for creating lists with bullets. The <ul> tag has type attribute which can be set to either disc, circle, or square that effects the type of bullet preceding each item in the list. Each item in the list is identified by a leading <li> tag
Usage of Unordered List Link Collection Non-sequenced group of text Emphasizing high points of presentation Advantage Automatic indentation, line break, and bullets
Ordered Lists <ol>…</ol> The <ol> tag is for creating ordered list. These are lists where each item is numbered or lettered. The system of labeling is determined by the type attribute. Values for the type attribute: “1” -- Integer Numeral “A” -- Capital letters “a” -- Lowercase letters “I” -- Capital Roman Numerals “i” -- Lowercase Roman Numerals
Usage of Ordered List Table of contents Instruction sequence Sets of sequential sections of text Advantage Automatic indentation, line break, and numbers or letters
Nesting Lists Enclosed in a Unordered or Ordered list is a subset(s) of unordered or ordered list