Monday Morning Message Our Voice. Our Schools. Our Children Monday Morning Message Secondary Health Education & Physical Education Weeks of September 24th- October 5th
Professional Learning Communities Site locations & Meeting information
Currently, all Physical Education classes should be conducting FitnessGram Fitness Testing or, having completed that, working on the completion of Unit 1 of their course curriculum. Required pre-tests include Height, Weight, and Aerobic Capacity (choice of PACER or 1- mile Run) Physical Education teachers should share H/W scores with school nurse for DOH reporting requirements. All pre-test scores are due entered into the FitnessGram software by September 28th.
Jaguars Junior Training Camp Jaguars Football Academy and Fuel Up to Play 60 are offering interactive football camps across Northeast Florida. These camps are FREE to schools and out-of-school-time programs and offer a fun, safe, exciting opportunity for 3rd to 7th-grade students to experience football and physical activity while learning the importance of fueling your body with a dairy-rich diet. If your school or after-school program is interested in hosting a Jaguars Football Academy Training Camp, please contact our office for more information on how to register.
Free, Safe and Confidential Sexual Health Services for all students! NOW OPEN!!!
Professional Development SHAPE Florida Conference in Kissimmee, October 28th – 30th (Note change in days- Sun-Tues) Florida’s largest health and physical education professional conference Standards Based Instruction Formative Assessments Fitness Education Presidential Youth Fitness Program Leadership opportunities
If Everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself - Henry Ford Closing Message Health Education Physical Education Specialist Frannie Kendall-Johnson 390-2518 Health Education Physical Education Specialist Edgar Pabon 390-2557 Director Heather Crowley 390-2315