Theme Map for Year 3: Spring 2 Theme – Egyptians *Presentation skills. Learning how to create and evaluate presentations. *Myths and Legends – reading a range of Egyptian myths and legends and creating our own incorporating morals. Please encourage your child to read each day *Developing skills of playing netball. *Reading and creating explanation texts *Developing skills and control in dance. PE English *Exploring Ancient Egyptian life and artefacts including the ritual of mummification, Tutankhamun and hieroglyphics.. ICT Science History Year 3 *Rocks and Soils Studying and grouping rocks by type, discovering the importance of Mary Anning, and investigating the soil. Geography Music PSHE *Discovering where modern and Ancient Egypt are and the significance of the River Nile. Art/ DT *Learning songs and dances for the Easter production. *Performing on stage. *Developing our school grounds Looking after our space *Solving problems involving more complex addition and subtraction. Maths *Drawing and creating Ancient Egyptian cartouches and masks. *Creating a Museum Exhibition. RE Measuring the perimeter of simple 2D shapes. *Recognising and using fractions. Dev eloping an understanding of equivalent fractions, *Presenting and interpreting data using bar charts, pictograms and tables. *Learning about the main events of Easter Story and recognising their significance to Christians.