True or False: If you took a cheek cell from a random person, you could tell if that person was male or female.
What is a karyotype? A picture that shows all the chromosomes inside a cell.
What are sex chromosomes? Chromosomes that determine a person’s gender. X chromosomes and Y chromosomes.
What are autosomal chromosomes? All chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes
How can you determine a person’s gender by looking at their karyotype? Women have two X chromosomes: XX Men have an X and a Y chromosome: XY
How can you determine whether or not a organism is human by looking at their karyotype? If the karyotype contains 46 chromosomes (44 autosomal chromosomes, and 2 sex chromosomes), the person must be a human.
How many Chromosomes are in different organisms? Oxytricha trifallaz = 16,000 Butterfly = 268 Shrimp = 86 – 92 Turkey = 80 Dog = 78 Pineapple = 50 Mosquito = 6
Processing Piece: A karyotype from a diploid cell reveals that the cell contains 20 chromosomes. Is this a human cell? How do you know?
Chromosomal Abnormalities
What is nondisjunction? When chromosome do not separate correctly during meiosis, producing gametes that are missing one chromosome, or have an extra copy of a chromosome. This leads to trisomy and monosomy.
What is nondisjunction?
What is trisomy? When an individual has 3 copies of a chromosome, instead of 2. Trisomy 21: Causes Down Syndrome Trisomy 18: Causes Edwards Syndrome Tri = 3
Different Animals with Down Syndrome
Trisomy: Klinefelter syndrome Results in three sex chromosomes: XXY Genetically they are male Physically they can be either male, female or intersex
What is monosomy? When an individual has 1 copy of a chromosome, instead of 2. Example: Monosomy X (causes Turner Syndrome) Mono = 1 All other monosomies are lethal. Short, hands and face slightly different, elbows joints different, flap of skin below chin, little breast development
Exit Ticket A karyotype from a diploid cell reveals that the cell contains 30 chromosomes. a. Is this a human cell? b. How do you know? A karyotype from a human cell reveals that there are two X chromosomes present. a. Is this person a male or female?