Cosmic Ray Scattering in MHD Turbulence Andrey Beresnyak, Huirong Yan, Alex Lazarian Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
What is the interaction dominant in space? Textbooks say: electric charges cancel, gravity is the only relevant interaction. But in a conductive (ionized) matter currents (and magnetic fields) exist on all scales! Local dynamics is often dominated by kinetic motions, magnetic fields and Cosmic Rays. Evolution of Knowledge of baryon matter dynamics: gravity(acting on pressureless “dust” matter) -> gravity+fluid (with pressure) -> gravity+magnetized fluid (MHD) -> gravity+magnetized fluid +CRs
(near Earth wCR~1 eV/cm3) In fact CR pressure is important in most environments, being of the order of magnetic and kinetic pressures. (near Earth wCR~1 eV/cm3) Galaxies B~5G (1eV/cm3) Clusters B~1G Sources of energy for B and CRs: 1. Directly from gravity (e.g., MRI) 2. AGN jets 3. Stellar winds 4. SN explosions CR scattering is fundamental for understanding interaction of fluid and CRs. Simplistic, ad-hoc models of scattering lead to poorly based acceleration models.
Concepts in scattering Scattering by existing fields Self-scattering(instabilities) - not in this talk… see, e.g. Lazarian&Beresnyak, MNRAS (2006), Beresnyak&Lazarian, ApJ (2008) Regular field Magnetic mirrors D~const D/~r Random field Resonant scattering B D/ ~r2.5
3D direct numerical simulations up to 10243 points B w- w+ Elsasser variables - vector amplitudes of waves (include both Alfven and pseudo-Alfven mode)
Structure of perturbations in MHD turbulence <(B(r)-B(r+l))2> driving Perpendicular distance dissipation parallel distance (along B) Turbulence fields are neither regular, nor fully random (-correlated).
quality-controlled particle tracer) Particle scattering measured D/~r — gyration frequency, L — outer scale of turbulence. D/~r2.5 (obtained from a realistic B and E fields from direct numerical simulations+ quality-controlled particle tracer)
Space diffusion along B0 A measure of the scattering transAlfvenic B~B0 along B0 A measure of the scattering A measure of the field line diffusion subAlfvenic B~B0/10 perpendicular to B0
Conclusion Magnetic fields and Cosmic rays are important for dynamics in most environments. Scattering transfers momentum and energy between fluid and CRs. Resonance theory predicts scattering which is way too low. Most of the scattering comes from large scale magnetic bottles. Perpendicular diffusion is due to field wandering.