Safety-Critical Real-Time Support Krithi Ramamritham
X-by-wire Throttle-by-wire Brake-by-wire Steer-by-wire will gradually replace nearly every mechanical linkage/cable, hydraulic line in a vehicle with electronic sensors and motors. -- opportunity to increase safety, performance, and fuel-efficiency to reduce design and manufacturing costs
X-by-wire Demands extreme attention & rigour in hardware, software, networking components -- comparable to aerospace, medical and nuclear domains
Need for COTS
Reusable prevalidated components Software Components power-trains (engine, transmission) chassis control (brakes, suspension) – synchronous and continuous with tight timing requirements body control – asynchronous, sporadically invoked events with less stringent timing requirement infotainment – multimedia, soft real-time to develop an architecture that makes application components reusable, flexible to deploy, and yet are predictable in their real-time, safety and security properties. prevalidated but subsequently modifiable control actions
Reconfigurable Components Allows for design that is not overly pessimistic handles abnormalities that are outside the design space. Crucial code is designed to be failsafe or fail-soft while also allowing for replacing the failed component Example: If break-pedal sensor is found to be inoperative vehicle can move to a mode where the system can gracefully halt.
Vision When a vehicle is being serviced, new software can replace buggy software, or software can be reconfigured, or parameters tuned for better performance. Before the vehicle leaves the service station, diagnostics and validation checks can be performed.
Need highly integrated embedded solutions SoC - systems on chips integration of multiple RT OS architectures time-triggered and event-triggered systems hard real-time, soft real-time and non real-time robust networking support integrating: CAN, TTP, FlexRay,TT-Ethernet… smart sensor (networks) reconfigurable, location-aware, low-power tools for simulation, certification, validation
X-by-Wire is upon us Will have to be based on COTS components cost-effectiveness and agility to new demands Internationally, the automotive industry is in the formative stage for defining the X-by-Wire architecture & COTS components Researchers should get involved early