Wrap up and fundraising Josephine Ippe, GNC Cluster Coordinator
Outline The journey Headline and overarching point Humanitarian Development Nexus Multi-sector/nutrition sensitive programming HINI IYCF –E Preparedness Funding Next Steps
Iintegration/Nutrition sensitive 2012 Transformative Agenda GNC Governance review Move of UNICEF led Cluster to Geneva Launch of the RRT mechanism Update of the packages for NCC KM and MI defined WGs abolished Indicator registry developed MAM Decision treat 2011 Need for NiE CB support -8 countries Consolidate country support GNC Handbook GNC website PPT/HTP Focus on country March 2006 -2009 Global Appeal AWG,CDWG HTP, Tool Kit SMART, A number of IYCF-E tools, Various Capacity building Initiatives 36 Projects! 2010 Strategic Reflection Capacity building Country support to roll out the cluster approach NCC Training Package 2016 Updated GNC handbook Integration HDN CCPM Support Eestablishment of GNC Help Desks 2015 Review of Role of GNC in NiE Link with SUN in Fragile states Advocacy strategy AAP guidance Massive support for CCPM, Validation/Action Planning 2018 Iintegration/Nutrition sensitive HINI HDN CASH Aassessment 2017 Intensified integration work Develop of Package Country support Help Desk Surge Support 2014 IM Tool Kit Evaluation of the RRT mechanism Need to revisited GNC role in technical Work identified SSD L3 HRP Tips developed 2013 2014-2016 GNC Strategy developed endorsed by the GNC with focus on Coordination and IM Support SAG Established
Headline and overarching points Most of the discussion speaks to HDN -reflecting the fact that much our humanitarian programming now takes place in protracted long-term crises (86% of humanitarian funding) for many years. But HND has not been defined and we are not clear on what it means for nutrition Not surprising that we have 28 countries under HRPs in 2017 and four countries with refugee response plans and an estimated 44.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance amount to multi-billion-dollar support Many countries struggling with at one end of the spectrum with preparedness and at the other end the process of transition (except those experiencing sudden onset large scale crises). Where there isn’t a cluster it is unclear where responsibilities for preparedness resides from the nutrition perspective Majority of our focus is currently on response – we are in Treatment Ghetto – Not GAM Ghetto - yet we have never managed to put a dent on GAM apart from our ability to save lives
Headline and overarching points - Continuous Added to accepting the fact that the highest prevalence and burden of stunting is in these FCAS contexts and equally that there is a considerable amount of child wasting in stable contexts – Need to strengthen our narrative urgently to talk about the role of the humanitarian response system in preventing child malnutrition and other vulnerable groups; We need to focus our efforts on not just wasting but also on stunting and other forms of undernutrition e.g. anaemia. How much is it our responsibility as humanitarians to forge stronger partnerships with long-term development community concerned with policies, frameworks, financing and programme implementation and how far should and can we go. Our Technical nutrition language can be a barrier to ‘shaking hands’ with our development partners, e.g. GAM, MAM, SAM, nutrition sensitive and nutrition specific, continuum of care, HINI, comprehensive package of interventions. Consider the introduction of discourse much more carefully to ensure we are all talking about the same thing. Because, if we aren’t speaking the same language how on earth are we going to coordinate effectively and influence other actors.
Humanitarian Development Nexus GNC engagement with longer-term donors at meetings, inclusion in SAG. What is the role of the CLA, the SAG/GNC-CT and humanitarian donors in effecting stronger links. Who is responsible for determining the room for manoeuvre in HRPs in terms of MYF, scope for more resilience building activities and multi-sector programming. All agreed the need for GNC and SUN Movement engagement to determine how to work more effectively together, e.g. SMS at GNC meetings and on calls. SUN talks about need to step up in FCAS but has very limited traction or engagement at global or country level.
Humanitarian Development Nexus (cont) Prevention and preparedness is a must and when prevention fails, treatment is a must and response is a must’. We need the GNC and SUN to move quickly and clearly on some form of guidance for strengthening Coordination in countries. Seize the opportunity of the attention provided during emergency time to improve the sustainability of the nutrition programs in that country.
Multi-sector/nutrition sensitive programming The GNC and CLA will build on experiences which utilize treatment programmes as an entry point for prevention programmes, e.g. referral pathways as in Somalia. The GNC must, once funding has been secured, develop guidance for NCCs around their role in influencing country level policies, guidelines and implementation practices for cash transfer programming. This is already in GNC the work plan and is becoming increasingly urgent as the scale of cash transfer programming continues to grow in humanitarian response.
Multi-sector/nutrition sensitive programming GNC with support of CLA must work with SMS to develop a clear two page document that sets out how working jointly to improve nutrition. Do we want to leverage CLA to influence the SUN Movement Lead Group to help ensure more visible coordination and visioning across humanitarian and development. GNC/CLA must utilize the experience of inter-cluster programming to inform and support longer-term multi-sector programming in FCAS. This will entail a level of KM in those countries scaling up multi-sector programmes. There may be research opportunities here as well.
Preparedness Government and partners informed and oriented on taking the lead during emergencies prior to the emergency Development plans include nutrition in emergency chapters including pre-positioning of supplies National guidelines updated and accessible to partners RUTF local production discussion to be initiated
HINI/Comprehensive package of Nutrition Specific Interventions The need to craft the narratives to spell out how the response plan are considering prevention of wasting and stunting and LBW Position treatment as a failure of prevention although a critically important activity to save lives It would be good to share experiences in creative strategies of countries implementing HINI
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergency Non-breastfed child ignored too long in humanitarian response and as far as we are aware the development community. Complementary feeding too, is a blind spot and HRPs and other planning mechanisms need to ensure there is equal attention given to these two areas. Advocating to both UNHCR and UNICEF on how to provide adequate resources for those situation when there is a need for the provision of BMS for non-breastfed infants Better integration of food assistance and complementary feeding counseling Train pools of experts in country on IYVCF-E for deployment How to better assess the critical IYCF-E situation to make a better case to donors
Nutrition Information System IPC needs nutrition expertise to help inform selection of indicators and implications for response GNC/CLA could usefully consider the implications of high burdens of stunting in the context of IPC GNC and country coordinators must thoroughly examine how nutrition information systems that emerge as part of the humanitarian response are embedded in government systems, e.g. CSOs
Cash – GNC position on CASH Position Paper There are some services that no matter how much cash is distributed, the services are not going to be any better. In nutrition we need to be clear what we think is negotiable and what is not when it comes to cash in nutrition- would be good to go down that road to look at where are our red lines in terms of cash. Systematic support to countries so they can engage properly on discussion regarding use of Cash
Information Management Dedicated resources to ensure that focal points for the NIS system are in place as well as a management system Since governments look at WHO policies, if a joint statement is issued with WHO, then countries will embrace the guidelines of the methodology What would be the global strategy about using DHIS2 in NIS for emergencies.
GNC Operational Support to countries 2 RRT on Fix Term 2 RRT positions (6 months to be hosted by WVI and IMC) 2 RRT and country technical, Coordination and IM support Capacity Building – Through RedR – Swiss Technical RRT – NGO Consortium
Funding Opportunities Humanitarian Nutrition Community needs to pro-actively engage with development actors-World Bank, EU, USAID Programmes, Global Funding. Resource mobilization and pool funds for preparedness as for response Budget the preparedness plan will help fundraise for it
Funding Funding level for 2018 - 1.2 USD against a budget of 2.5 Million USD Positions funded and activities funded(DFID, Swiss, USAID, CDC) GNC- Coordinator – Support budget Deputy - DFID 2 RRT on Fix Term – Global Thematic 2 RRT positions (6 months to be hosted by WVI and IMC) -Swiss 2 RRT and country technical, Coordination and IM support (covered by USAID) Capacity Building – Through RedR - Swiss Website review – Swiss Inter-Clyster Integration – CDC Global Technical Body – UINCEF/PD
Fundraising Modalities How can partners take leadership role around fundraising for the various component of the GNC WG Proposed modalities Single cluster partner proposal Consortium UNICEF raise money and implements UNICEF raise money and provides money to Cluster partner through PCA
Next Steps Finalized the report Host a dedicated SAG meeting to further review the recommended action Prioritize key actions to be included in the 2019-2020 WP Revise costing of the WP Reach out to partners for leadership and fundraising Develop a advocacy piece around those priorities
Vote of Thanks RO/Vilma and Peter Government Country Teams Donors GNC partners SAG Team of the Global Technical Body GNC-CT UNICEF/CLA Leadership Partners who prepared Poster from Market Place