VP office sends copy of XF Form and XF letter to student. Academic Integrity Steps Procedure 2505 This document outlines the steps related to academic integrity violations and awarding an XF grade to a student Student commits academic integrity violation; faculty member wishes to impose sanctions. Faculty fill out online Academic Integrity Violation Report (goes to VP office to log). VP Office monitors integrity sanctions for patterns and/or repeat sanctions. https://bartonccc.evaluationkit.com/Respondent/Survey?id=cw8UKqGcWQ%2bQC6cGnb7hOR%2fcvS%2bKXatofhFrlJE7GUSHwmK1EPAZJttk0F2uZBlgIPHFQ4IXQJSabnvQc%2fqqTA%3d%3d Faculty send email to Registrar with XF notification Include student name, ID and CRN with course information. XF Grade? Faculty fill out XF Form and obtain required signatures. Send original to VP Office. NO YES No further action VP Office sends original to Registrar to award XF. VP Office keeps copy. VP office sends copy of XF Form and XF letter to student. Updated 2/13/2018 – Sarah Riegel