The People & The Religion Comunicación y Gerencia Judaism The People & The Religion Click to add Text
Journey to find the Promised Land
I. The Hebrews Canaan – a small strip of land in eastern part of fertile crescent where Hebrews lived. Abraham – founder of the Hebrew people; moved from Mesopotamia (Sumer) Jews trace their heritage through Abraham’s grandson Jacob (or Israel). His 12 sons were known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel
D. The Exodus – 1. 1700’s B.C. – Hebrews leave Canaan – go to Egypt to escape drought and famine 2. In 1200’s B.C. – Egyptians enslave Hebrews for 400 years. 3. Finally, Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt – this is called the Exodus
E. The Ten Commandments 1. During the Exodus, God gives Moses the Ten Commandments 2. The Ten Commandments were moral laws given to Moses from God (Yahweh)
F. The Founding of Israel – around 900s B.C. 1. When the Hebrews return to Canaan, they struggled with other groups for the land. 2. Kings a. Saul – first king of Israel b. David – leader after Saul – made Jerusalem the capital c. Solomon (David’s son) - Israel reached the height of its power, traded with others, built Temple of Solomon
Temple of Solomon
3. When Solomon died, Israel was split into 2 kingdoms 4. Assyrians conquered Hebrews in 722 B.C. 5. 587 B.C. Chaldeans destroyed Jerusalem 6. When Persians came to power, the Hebrews were allowed to return to the homeland and rebuild Jerusalem
II. Judaism (Hebrew Religion) Torah – the first 5 books of the Old Testament – Hebrew history Tenach- the rest of the Hebrew religious guide book (the rest of the Old Testament) Mosaic Law – (including 10 Commandments) – in the Torah Monotheistic – believed in only one god but emphasized ethics or proper conduct so often called ethical monotheism Yahweh – Hebrew God