Probability and Statistics (week-9) Onur DOĞAN
Chebyshev's Inequality (or equivalently, at least 1 - 1/c2 of the distribution's values are within c standard deviations of the mean)
Skewness .
Pearson's skewness coefficients
Example It’s been understood that, in a hosptial patients’ average hospital stay is 28, median is 25 and mode is 23 (days). Define the skewness type, find the pearson coefficient and interpret it.
Sampling Distribution .
Sampling Distribution .
Central Limit Theorem .
Statistical Intervals for a Single Sample .
Confidence Interval on the Mean of a Normal Distribution, Variance Known .
Confidence lntervals .
Confidence lntervals .
Example .
Solution .
Confidence Interval on the Mean of a Normal Distribution,Variance Unknown (t distribution) .
A Large-Sample Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion Confidence Interval Formula: Sample Size Selection
Example .
Solution .
Summary for Confidence Intervals .
Example .
Example .
Solution .