Scientific Method Notes Ms. Aeschlimann 6th and 7th Grade Science September 2012
The Scientific Method The set of logical steps taken in a specific order to get an answer to a question.
Why is the scientific method used?
Reasons why the scientific method is used: A logical and rational order of steps scientists use to come to conclusions about the world around them. Helps to organize thoughts and procedures so that scientists can be confident in the answers they find. Way to communicate results effectively
Steps of the Scientific Method : 1. Observe 2. Question 3. Hypothesis 4. Experiment 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 7. Communicate
Remember: Observe Old Queen Holly Eats Amazing Chocolate Cake Question Hypothesis Experiment Analysis Conclusion Communicate Old Queen Holly Eats Amazing Chocolate Cake
Observe The world around you provides plenty to observe. Observe using all senses: sight, smell, touch, hear, taste* *We never taste anything in the lab! Record observations and Recognize patterns
Question Problem you are trying to solve Question being asked Must be testable with measurable results Good Question: Why is the moon the biggest thing in the night sky? Not So Good Question: How many imaginary friends can I fit in my backpack?
Hypothesis Testable solution to a question or problem Written in an IF/THEN/BECAUSE statement Good Hypothesis: If the moon is closer to the Earth than other objects, then it will look bigger because the closer something is the larger it looks. Not So Good Hypothesis: I think that I can fit a few imaginary friends in my backpack if I squish them really hard and ask nicely for them to make room.
Experiment Way of testing your hypothesis Setup of the lab should be clear enough that anyone would be able to follow the steps to do the exact same experiment Only change one thing per experiment. Only test one Variable at a time!
Why is it important to test only one variable at a time?
Analysis To “analyze” the data means to “make sense” of the data. Data should be in the form of a chart/table AND a graph Data is the information collected during the experiment
Conclusion Was your Hypothesis supported or refuted? Should you accept your prediction or reject it? Do you need to try thinking up a different explanation for your observations? Explains how experiment can be applied to real life.
Communicate Every experiment adds to the world’s scientific knowledge. Communicating your results in the form of a report or presentation gives other scientists a chance to review your work and build on it.
Remember: Observe Old Queen Holly Eats Amazing Chocolate Cake Question Hypothesis Experiment Analysis Conclusion Communicate Old Queen Holly Eats Amazing Chocolate Cake
Scientific Method Song