Alive-O Term 2: Lesson 10 Easter
Prayer time Prepare the Sacred Space by covering with a cloth. Add some signs fo Spring, e.g. Seeds, flowers, or any other signs of new life. Arrange the Easter cards which the children have made around the table or in some other prominent place in the classroom.
Light the candle. Sign of the Cross
Teacher All sing: Alleluia The candle reminds us that God is with us. It reminds us too that Jesus is not dead. He is alive. We want to tell God that we are happy. All sing: Alleluia
All: Alleluia, Alleluia. Teacher Thank you, God, for being with us always. All: Alleluia, Alleluia. Thank you, God, for raising Jesus to a new life.
Thank you, God, for happy times. Teacher Thank you, God, for happy times.
Alleluia, alleluia. Thank you, God, for Jesus. Is the prayer we say. We pray on Easter Day. All sing: Alleluia Sign of the Cross