Photorealistic Surveying Rock Springs 2004 Ole J. Martinsen Photorealistic Surveying Rock Springs 2004
Aims Pine Canyon Survey Ericson Sandstone and lower part of Almond Formation in northernmost Rock Springs Uplift Primary location: Pine Canyon Secondary location: Cedar Canyon 2 miles south of Pine Canyon and closest to UW#1 well Cliff wall lies immediately south of well location Attempt to cover entire Pine Canyon with 3-D perspective of fluvial-deltaic-estuarine rocks of upper Mesaverde Group Particular focus on northern and western sides of canyon where outcrops are best Cedar Canyon
Stratigraphy and location, Pine Canyon Priority 1: Concentrate on the outcrops along line with focus on area around logs UW #1 well Priority 2: Great cliffwall on north side of Cedar Canyon just south of well location (see UTM coordinates in box). Well location is at 2237 m above sea level.
Logs in Pine Canyon (see previous page)
Pine Canyon outcrops (around log #3)
Cedar Canyon cliff wall, immediately south of UW#1 (on top of hill in background) UW #1 well