Lent 2018 - The Leviticus Offerings #3 - The Fellowship Offering
The Fellowship Offering The Purpose: Thanksgiving and praise to God Highlights the personal benefits of trusting Jesus The animal sacrificed had to be perfect, v1 – Jesus The worshipper had to lay hands on it and kill it, v2 Personal and individual connection [Lent ’18]
The Fellowship Offering Everyone involved benefitted God always got the best - 3v9-10 Jesus = the very best, most perfect person ever We should always give the best to God The priests got the next best - 7v30-32 Jesus – we depend on him! Note: Jesus is both the offering and the priest The worshipper got the rest - 7v15 We benefit from the work of Jesus [Lent ’18]
The Fellowship Offering (Leviticus 3) Vertical Peace: (Peace with God) - Rom 5v1 [Lent ’18]
‘Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace (Fellowship) with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Romans 5:1 [Lent ’18]
The Fellowship Offering (Leviticus 3) Vertical Peace: (Peace with God) - Rom 5v1 Inner Peace: (Peace of God) - Phil 4:6-7 [Lent ’18]
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4v6-7 [Lent ’18]
The Fellowship Offering (Leviticus 3) Vertical Peace: (Peace with God) - Rom 5v1 Inner Peace: (Peace of God) - Phil 4:6-7 Horizontal Peace: (Peace with others) - Eph 2:14 [Lent ’18]
‘For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility’. Ephesians 2v14 [Lent ’18]