funding opportunities for environment and nature conservation


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Presentation transcript:

funding opportunities for environment and nature conservation Open Days, October 2005 Implicit and explicit funding opportunities for environment and nature conservation in the Regional Funds 2007-13 Presentation by Stefanie Lang, WWF EPO European Regional Policy Officer

WWF and EU Funding Policy: working on EU policies for around 15 years EU level, national and regional level strong network partners in almost all EU member states successful partnerships with national authorities part of EU level and national coalitions of NGOs cover a wide range of sectors (freshwater, climate change, nature conservation) 2

Environmental Integration in EU Funding Policy: Specific situation for 2007-2013 Environmental Integration in EU Funding Policy: Environment and sustainable development as cross-cutting priorities in all funding lines Strategic focus on Lisbon and Göteborg strategy No “earmarking“ of funds for the environment Environment needs to “compete” with other priorities Strategic guidelines not very helpful 3

WWF Handbook, April 2005 Analyse and grasp the funding potential of draft proposals Link activities in the field of water, biodiversity, climate change prevention and sustainable transport to funding options Help to combine and co-ordinate support across funding sources Present successful examples 4

Overview of Funding Potentials C= Confirmed P= Potential ?= Unclear 5

Example of funding options Natura 2000 6

Example of funding options Water framework Directive 7

Example of funding options Kyoto Measures 8

Example of funds analysis: ERDF articles 9

Example of funds analysis: ERDF articles 10

Example of funds analysis: ESF articles 11

Success factors in integration: Problem Pressure: Can trigger change processes when economic, social or environmental problems are visible. Partnership: Strong partnerships between environmental and other stakeholders. Process Competence: Environmental stakeholders need to be competent in process (programming, implementation, monitoring). 12

Thank you! tel: +32-2-7400930 13