Union Council Elections 2018
Agenda? Introduction and a few words on campaigning Overview of Union Council and new Ideas System Rules and Timetable for the election Campaigning tips and guidelines What do you love and what would you change?
Talking to Students! If this sounds like something you want to get involved with, contact Sarah Chapman: sc732@le.ac.uk
The positions? Lead Union Representatives – 2 per department. Part Time Officers Postgraduate Officer Women’s Officer Trans Officer Mature and Part Time Students’ Officer Commuter Students’ Representative Democratic Procedures Committee Scrutiny Panel NUS National Conference Delegates
Union Council Structure Students’ Union Support Democracy and Liberation Coordinator Deputy Director Of Membership Services 1 Part-Time Student Staff Union Council Part Time Officers 2 Lead Union Reps (one open seat & one woman) Executive Officers (Non Voting) 20 student open places per meeting
Ideas System – How does it work? Simple operational Idea Done Non controversial campaign/event 20 likes within 2 weeks Actioning Group Big event or campaign Policy, or Resources Union Council
Benefits of being a Representative Use your voice to improve the University Experience for yourself and your peers! Improve your employability, and boost your transferrable skills: Negotiation and conflict resolution Public Speaking Problem Solving & Decision making Communication Gain experience attending formal meetings with senior staff Accreditation, Hear and a Union Council Hoodie Full Training
Union Council Wins Wider Variety of food on Campus Campaigning for bursaries for Asylum Seekers Blood Donation Drive on campus Accommodation support and advice for students To lobby for food to be allowed to be eaten in the Library Improve safety on Victoria Park To introduce a Zero Tolerance Policy for the Union Increase the number of water fountains on campus Introduction of Equality and Liberation Champions
Training and Support Lead Union Representatives Online Training 3 modules covering your role, representation and campaigning - week commencing 22nd October Face to Face Optional Training – week commencing 29th October including Liberation, Consulting Students, Chairing a Meeting and Influencing positions of power Welcome to Union Council Event on 30th October 6.15pm in the Union Square All other roles will have an initial face to face training, everyone free to attend Welcome event and optional workshops
Election Rules Abide by University Regulations, By-laws and the Law. Keep within your budget. No campaigning of any kind by you or any of your supporters should take place at or near the Ballot Station areas. You are responsible for those who campaign on your behalf.
Budgets/Expenses Your budget is £20 (£35 for Part Time Officer Positions) Keep your receipts and submit your expenses to us. For active campaigning we charge £5.00 per electronic device e.g. smart phone/iPad/tablet/laptop. Any questions, just ask!
Key Dates Deadline Date and Time Campaigning Begins Manifesto Deadline – to submit online (300 words and Screen Deadline – to unioncouncil@le.ac.uk Monday 15th October at 8.00am Monday 15th October 10.00am Voting Opens Wednesday 17th October at 8.00am at www.leicesterunion.com/voice/democracy/elections/autumntermelections2018/ Expenses Deadline Friday 19th October at 10.00am Voting Closes Friday 19th October at 3.00pm Results will be emailed to you on the evening of Friday 19th October with details of how to sign up for training.
STV – the Voting System
Questions/Complaints In the first instance please contact Ian Bruce (irb2) or one of the other members of the election team, if you wish to make a formal complaint then please email Ian Bruce. Any issue you wish us to consider must be submitted before the close of voting. Independent Returning Officer – Owen Jones, makes the final ruling on all complaints.
Further Information Guidance on how to vote will be available at https://www.leicesterunion.com/voice/democra cy/elections/candidate-resources/ Resource Hub, this has all the presentations from the last set of Executive Elections (includes information on Intelligent Campaigning and guidance on what counts as early campaigning)
10,000 Conversations? What do you love about your Student Experience so far? What would you like to see improved/changed?
Good luck and enjoy it! Any Questions