Welcome to Chaffers Class teachers: Classroom assistant: Mon – Wed: Mrs Chevallier Thur- Friday: Mrs McAlpine Classroom assistant: Mrs Hickling / Mrs Sparks (Wed)
Settling into Chaffers morning routines –please help the children to be independent give messages to Mrs Inglis at door happy to meet after school
Mixed age classes children follow their year group’s curriculum in English and maths various opportunities for them to be with their year group, e.g. PE on Friday, educational visit, golden time
Ability groupings ability groups for reading, literacy and maths flexible groups which can change all groups are sometimes supported by LSA or teacher
Curriculum main topic this term is Space where possible subjects will be linked to the topic subjects like RE and Science not usually linked details of curriculum can be found on the website
Assessment on-going throughout term targets are based on new curriculum and assessed against termly milestones year 2s are also assessed against ‘interim assessment targets’ to determine their keystage 1 result
Timetable timetable will appear on website PE is Monday and Friday (PE kit to be in school)
Parental help early bird reading is now Tuesday and Thursday help sometimes needed for trips, and for class-based activities DBS check required
Homework All children read 10 mins every night - record in reading record book spelling homework Monday – hand back on Friday for test Year 2s reading comprension Friday – give back Wednesday X tables - practise each week (test on Friday)