Right Choice Prepared Segment #4 Training in this segment will help us better understand: The necessity of having an family emergency plan How to shut off utilities, when and when not to Need for a 96-Hour Comfort Kit (formerly 72-hour kit) How and where to leave an “I’m alright message” Evacuate or stay - how to make the best decision Evacuate – what about the pets? We’ve been told ‘If we fail to plan we plan to fail.’
Emergency Have a Plan In the event of a power outage that may last for days Have we made preparations for: Ways to stay warm or cool Ways to cook or warm food Enough flashlights and lanterns, etc. Preserving refrigerated or frozen food Medications that require refrigeration
Emergency Have a Plan In the event of an emergency Do we know where and how to shut off the gas? Do we know where and how to shut off the water? Do we know where and how to shut off electrical power? Do we have a fire extinguisher, where it is and how to use it? Do we have a flashlight, is it charged, can we find it in the dark?
Emergency Have a Plan In the event of an emergency Do we have a well stocked first-aid kit? Do we feel comfortable with our first-aid training? Do we have shoes and a flashlight next to the bed? If we are separated from loved ones where do we meet? Where do we leave an “I’m all right message” for loved ones? If there is a fire in our house where do we meet outside so that we know if anyone else is still inside?
Emergency Human waste Have a Plan In the event of an emergency Have we made preparations for ways to Setup a temporary toilet with privacy curtain? Dispose of human waste? Dig a latrine? Toilet paper? Cleanliness?
Emergency vs Catastrophic Emergency It’s an emergency if your neighbor has to evacuate their home. It’s a catastrophic emergency if you have to evacuate your home. It’s a recession if your neighbor loses his job. It’s a Depression if you lose yours.
Evacuation is recommended Stay or Leave? What do we do? Advantages of staying: Destination is assured – we know exactly what we have at home Shelter is known, at least for now Our surroundings at home are familiar Utility services are known, at least for now Sanitation will probably be better – it’s your germs We don’t have to face the dangers of traveling in time of crisis We don’t face the possible challenge's of the return trip home We recommend evacuation only if it is government mandated, or our current circumstances are so dire that anything would be better.
Evacuation is recommended Stay or Leave? What do we do? If we leave have we considered: Traffic – blocked roads – stranded – abandoned cars out of gas We arrive at our planned destination and they are evacuating We arrive at our planned destination and there is no room for us? Are we prepared to evacuate? Do we have a 96-Hour Comfort Kit for every family member? Does the car have enough gas to get us to our destination, if we are not delayed enroute. Cell phones with map technology may be inoperable. Do we have a paper map showing alternate routes to our planned destination in case the route we had planned is closed?
Evacuation is recommended Have a plan What do we do with our pets in the event that we evacuate? Take them? Have we considered: Being stuck on the highway All the other cars around us are abandoned and out of gas If we let our pets out to potty they are at great risk to other pets They become frightened, disoriented and start for home Red Cross shelters will not accept any pets It’s too late to re-think this decision when standing at the shelter entrance and the car is abandoned 5 miles back on the Freeway We love our pets. They are family and we want them safe. We want them with us because we are going to safety. However, there are factors to consider.
Catastrophic Emergency Have a plan - Pets Unless the crisis is a wild fire, or weather related; tornado, hurricane, flood etc. and the decision is made to evacuate would your pets be safer locked in the garage or basement with plenty of food and water? Yes, they might be lonely, frighten, and traumatized but they will probably be safer.