Review of End of Year/ End of Grant Reports Role of Grants Officers
Review of Reports – Report Types Reports all similar – differences around levels of information required End of Year Mid Year End of Grant Review form as a whole – completeness All sections completed Signed by authorised person Follow up any omissions
Review of Reports – Outcomes & Milestones Assess progress of project against agreed outcomes How they were achieved How they were measured Assess progress of milestones Review Discrepancies Discrepancy justified Is this acceptable What remedial action is required: Adjustment Deletion Additional
Review of Reports – Assess Overall Project progress What worked What didn’t work Where things went wrong What was done about it Or what is being done about it and by when Considered to be a “Good Practice” What is the current staff position Leavers New Starts Concerns – abilities, training etc Any impact on the budget
Review of Reports – Budget v Actual 1 Is all spend eligible Spending across agreed budget heads Capital items as agreed, receipts provided Are any Budget Heads Over-Spent or Under-Spent It is unusual to see a perfect match of budget to actual Description or justification provided Where the budget is Over Spent How was it accounted for
Review of Reports – Budget v Actual 2 Where the budget is Under Spent Is there a desire to carry it forward Agreement of GO is required – maybe higher authority Confirm agreement – or repayment will be necessary Confirm any remedial action if required Needs to be added to next project year budget Next project year Budget Fully reviewed and agreed Under spend accommodated where relevant
Review of Reports – Other Funding Was all other funding for year being reviewed Received? Evidenced? Is funding for new year expected? – if so Secured?
Review of Reports – Conclusion Grading of Report by GO Project and Outcomes are graded Unacceptable Problematic Good Outstanding Confirm follow on actions with Grant Holder Detail of action Review process if required To agreed deadlines
Any Questions?
End of Year Reports – Frequent Issues Questions on forms not properly answered Explicit information on progress of outcomes and milestones is lacking Different activities reported on than what was recorded during assessment Justification for under-performance not provided Unexpected outcomes often not reported Lack of information about the project overall and the differences it has made Budget Reporting is too exact No explanation or justification as to why underspend or overspend Other funding - not included or evidence not provided New Year Budget - underspend not included when agreed Checklists not completed Supporting documents often not provided